Bill O' Reilly has teamed up with Alexander Green and they claim that they want to help make Americans rich... but what is really going on here?
Is "The Great American Wealth Project" a scam that they are teasing? What is it really?
You've probably come across the video presentation with O'Reilly and Green...

Of course we'd like to think that such a legendary TV host like Bill O' Reilly would never risk his reputation backing a scam... but when an opportunity sounds too good to be true and in the video we are told things like... "you'll be able to live out the retirement of your dreams"... it makes you questions things.

[Yes, this is from the video presentation!]
So anyways... in this review we'll be breaking down what the heck this "Great American Wealth Project" really is that they are talking about.
Prepare yourself because things can get pretty confusing in this mess of marketing shenanigans.
Let's begin...
What Is "The Great American Wealth Project"?

In a nutshell, "The Great American Wealth Project" (aka the "Great American Wealth Blueprint") is a set of investment materials including free ebooks, a book, and a newsletter subscription.
The lure of "The Great American Wealth Project" is that you will be able to make professionally recommended investments and earn good money for retirement, with stocks such as the "#1 5G Megastock" being teased. But the purpose behind all the teasing and hoopla is to get subscribers to buy into Alexander Green's paid newsletter service.
This entire marketing stunt is by The Oxford Club, which is an investment advisory and publisher of the newsletter that we are being funneled into here. It may appear that Bill O' Reilly is the guy running things, but he seems to be more of a paid endorsement... how much he was paid we do not know.
The Men Behind It
Bill O' Reilly
We all know Bill O Reilly. He's multi-best-selling author, an American journalist, and a former TV host. Although he has received quite a bit of negative publicity from his sexual harassment claim, and was fired from Fox News over it, he is still one of the most respected political commentators out there... in particular for the conservative audience.
But... O' Reilly isn't the main guy behind this thing. As stated, he likely is a paid endorsement, not much different than George Clooney's mega-million dollar endorsement with Nespresso.
Alexander Green
Mr. Green is the main guy behind it all, and he is one of the chief investment strategists for The Oxford Club and edits various newsletters including The Oxford Communique, The Insider Alert, The Momentum Alert, and The True Value Alert.
He is known for making some quite remarkable investment recommendations over the years... such as to invest in Apple, Intuitive Surgical, Netflix, Celgene, and Amazon in the early days.
Bill claims that if you'd followed Green's recommendations since 2001 you could have turned a $150k investment into $1,082,241, which would be a $600k+ difference between the performance of the S&P 500.
Now I have no idea where he gets these numbers from, but the bottom line is that Alexander Green does have quite an impressive background and knows what he is doing... with over 16 years of experience as an investment advisor, research analyst, and portfolio manager on Wall Street.
BUT... even though these gentlemen do have impressive backgrounds and reputations... the information being presented here is a bit misleading.
The Purpose of This Teaser
I'm calling this a teaser for a reason. The reason is because this is one big marketing stunt to lure in new subscribers to a newsletter by The Oxford Club, as mentioned.
This is the same type of thing going on with St. Paul Research's "7-Day Weed Contracts" that lures subscribers into the Dollar Trade Club newsletter.
The "#1 5G Megastock" is the main teaser at the moment, but there may be others.
*More information on what exactly this stock is soon.
The way it works is they tease a bunch of great opportunities and really hype them up... but of course in order to find out what exactly these opportunities are you will first have to subscribe to the newsletter being offered, in this case it is The Oxford Communiqué.

Yes... you can get all of the following for "free"...
- How to Profit From The #1 5G Megastock (ebook)
- The United States of Trump (book)
- Three Steps to a Seven-Figure Portfolio (ebook)

[source: The Oxford Club]
... and more... but you have to become a subscriber first.
What You Get
You will get all the "free" bonuses like The United States of Trump and the ebook that provides information on the "#1 5G Megastock", but the core of what you get is the newsletter.
The Oxford Communique provides subscribers with...
- Monthly newsletter that provides detailed information on new opportunities, the market, and anything else related that Mr. Green finds shareworthy.
- Access to the Oxford Trading Portfolio so that you can see how recommended stocks are performing as well as the portfolio as a whole
- Weekly model portfolio updates
- Weekly informative videos from strategists at The Oxford Club and other experts in the industry
It is a type of follow-along investment newsletter where people with no experience can get in on the action and follow the professional recommendations of Mr. Alexander Green... similar to a lot of other follow-along newsletters out there like Alpha Investor Report and Money Map Report.
The Cost
The cost to subscribe to The Oxford Communique is $49 for a year. They claim that it is normally $249/yr but who knows how true this is... it's likely never sold at that price.
They have a 365-day money-back guarantee in place but this gets a bit tricky.

Yes, they say you can get a refund "no questions asked", but actually getting a refund is going to require some work on your part.
If you read the policy you will see that they state that you can keep everything you've received and get a refund... "with the exception of your copy of The United States of Trump"... meaning that you are going to have to return your copy of The United States of Trump book.
I've seen this sort of thing plenty of times before and almost wonder if giving subscribers some sort of physical gift, in this case a book, is just a sneaky little way of making refunds more difficult to obtain.
But anyways, it is what it is. If you want a refund of your $49 then you need to return the book... which I'm guessing you will have to pay postage for.
What Is The "#1 5G Megastock" Being Teased?
Now... to what everyone has been waiting for...
The main teaser floating around right now is for this "#1 5G Megastock". Alexander Green claims that if there was ever one single stock to retire on, this is it.
Everything you need to know about it is revealed in his book...

... but, as mentioned, to get this "free" ebook you have to pay to subscribe to his newsletter.
So let's figure out what exactly the stock is that he is teasing without subscribing.
We know that the company has a role in the 5G revolution. This is a given.
And for those that don't know, 5G is the fifth generation of cellular network technology. There was the first generation, then 2G, 3G, 4G, and now 5G, which is expected to bring about massive changes due to the massive increases in data speeds... up to 100x faster than 4G.
The company, as Alexander Green puts it, meets his criteria for a "perfect stock", which is that it...
- Has to be a leader in cutting-edge technology
- Needs to have breakthrough products being used all over the world
- Needs patents and trademarks for protection
- Needs contractually guaranteed profits
- Should be relatively unknown to the general public
And the hints given about the company include that:
- "It makes the 5G microchips necessary for the entire system to work"
- This tells us it's in the semiconductor business and has a role in 5G, but other than that not much. There are lots of companies in the area.
- "you'll find this company's microchips in Google's 5G Chromecast... Samsung's Galaxy 5G smartphones..."
- Still doesn't tell us much.
- The company made a big deal with SoftBank Group
- Again... it's a clue but doesn't tell us much.
- The founder was quoted saying that we're not even in the "first inning yet"
- This might be the most pointless statement made about the company, yet the most revealing!
Now a lot of what is being teased here doesn't tell us much, which is the whole point. They want to tease us... but of course we need to join to get the free "How to Profit from the #1 5G Megastock" book.
If we put all of what we are told together, and with a little help from our friends over at StockGumshoe, it seems that the stock being teased here is Marvell Technology Group (MRVL).
MRVL matches up with the hints in every way. They are a global semiconductor company that makes chips for Google's Chromecast; they have a partnership with Samsung to deploy 5G networks; they have a partnership with Softbank Group; and Yes... their CEO Matt Murphy was recently quoted saying that the 5G cycle is "not even in the first inning yet" on CNBC's Mad Money with Jim Cramer.
The stock price has seen some ups and downs over the past 5 years, but has been holding high recently... and who knows how high the coming 5G revolution could take it.

Pros v Cons
- Free investment advice provided in the free ebooks given
- Backed by Bill O' Reilly (may be a con for some)
- Professional advice provided from someone with plenty of qualifications
- Newsletter is laid out in a very easy-to-follow manner
- No investment knowledge needed to follow along (although of course I'd never recommend just blindly following advice)
- Potential to earn good money on investments (potential... definitely not guaranteed)
- Misleading opportunity & claims
- Have to pay to get the "free" ebooks and book
- Likely have to ship the free book back in order to get a refund
- Risk involved (as with any investment opportunity)
Is "The Great American Wealth Project" a Scam?
I think the picture is pretty clear at this point, but I know people are asking so I'll answer.
No, this is not a scam... just a bit misleading.
What you are provided with, which consists of the free ebooks and newsletter subscription, is of good quality and definitely does have value.
Conclusion - To Join or Not to Join?
Let's do a quick recap here:
- "The Great American Wealth Project" is part of a marketing campaign to bring in new subscribers to Alexander Green's The Oxford Communique newsletter
- You can get free ebooks and the free book by Bill O' Reilly, all in one package (which is what "The Great American Wealth Project" is), but you first need to pay for the newsletter subscription
Hopefully this clears the air some for those of you who were unclear what was really going on here... which is likely most people due to the misleading nature of the marketing behind this.
This is far from being a scam, but I can potentially see how some people may feel scammed after being lured into subscribing in such a way.
Subscribe if you with to, just know what you are getting yourself into... that's all.
PS: The Motley Fool's Stock Advisor service is one of the very few that I actually recommend. You can check out my review of it HERE.
Comments or questions? Leave them below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can 🙂
My husband wanted to sign up for the 49.00/yr tier. There is a choice between that and 129.00/yr tier. You select the button that clearly states the price and then have to click through pages of small print after you’ve put in your credit card information. They know that no one is reading the whole thing and just skimming through it, it sounds like all of the benefits and “pro” reasons why you’re subscribing. You get to the end and ta-da! You have an receipt for 466.80. The number wouldn’t work because it wasn’t normal business hours so I called my bank to cancel the charge and the card since this is a renewing subscription. This is definitely bait and switch so buyer beware.
I just bought and you have to read what it says, there are more than one types of subscriptions, (electronic and print, electronic, print and email, just electronic, lifetime, first and second year) . If you read it and choose what you really want you will get charged what you agree to. I was opted for $99 and got a receipt for $99
seems as if something offered that takes too long to get to the point is hiding something. Would Buffet do this to his “subscibers”?
I’ll buy the subscription and Share the 5G megastock here, lol
If you do end up buying, be sure to do that! You’ll help out a lot of readers.
I’ll be waiting for that info here, Alberto. lol
Did you get the stock name?
Id like info
Why was my credit card charged $574.83? I thought I had selected $129.00.
You will have to contact the company. Unfortunately there are a lot of complaints about things like this.
There really is a company with most of the points listed iT sells for. Just over $3.00 and has a patent for a new Alzheimer’s drug and is sponsored by the Micheal J Fox foundation to find a Parkinson’s cure.It is Avenex(avxl)
I bought the $49 package and got the book and other material. Not a scam, But, over-the-top pressure marketing! I wanted ideas, and I got them. MRVL not the unbelievable stock they said, don’t know about AVXL, but DDD I know all about and it is totally oversold by their sales push. So I don’t trust them. And, wait until you see your email in-box!!! 4-6 emails a day now for 3 weeks and all with emails that require you to listen to crisis speakers for 45 min to get to the punch line. It will drive you completely mad trying to keep up. Sad really, because there may be something good in the offering. I like the suggested rebalancing portfolio and intend to put it into place. They then said there was a better portfolio from Yale or some Ivy League college but after listening for 45 min of high pressure sales, it costs $8,000 … that right 8 grand to get the information. Please!!!
Thanks to everyone… you ALL helped me make my decision about subscribing…
Any offer that has “hidden” charges during signup if your not careful is enough to cause me to pass on it. That is deceptive and not good business practice. It actually disappoints me because I was ready to sign up. I’m not willing to take on a $200.00 plus charge just because I missed some small print. Will pass on this one and chalk it up to “If it sounds too good to be true….then it probably is” .Very disappointing at the least
Thanks so very much to everyone for your inputs. You have helped me in my decision to pass on this “Deal”. I too had your words, “if it sounds too good to be true…; then it probably is”, drilled into my bone marrow. My father always told me that “the older I became…the wiser his counsel would become”. He was of course very, very correct.
I remember hearing a term”Penny Stocks” and my understanding of what that is is very limited; but, isn’t essentially the same principle for investing. You research and find a small relatively unknown company and start buying their stocks for “Pennies on the Dollar” and then hold on in the hope that that little company goes big.
Thanks Kyle for your blog and the time you put into it.
What is the website info requested below? Is it asking for the Web page being discussed or my personal website, which I do not have.
Always happy to help Kandi. Your father taught you well!
You don’t have to enter a website. I don’t know why that section is even there, and I’m not sure how to remove it.
So what happened to the guy who said he was going to buy and then let us know what that stock was?
No idea.
This gives me some help, still trying to decide to buy or not, there are some bad outcomes and good ones. Will check out Motley ZFool. Kyle, you said you recommend them, right?
Yes, they are better than most.