ways to make money from home

March 29


List of 72 Ways to Make Money from Home in 2019

If you are looking to fatten your wallet a bit, then you are in the right place. There are thousands of ways to go about this but we aren't going to go over that many in this list. Instead, we'll be condensing it and hopefully providing you with some good income ideas without giving you a reader's headache.

From the Desk of Kyle (founder of LegendaryWallet.com):

First off I'd like to welcome you to LegendaryWallet.com, where you can find all sorts of good information to fatten up your wallet. I'm Kyle, the founder of the site and someone who has been making money from home since 2015, and make a living online.

Today I'll be sharing with you a massive list of ways to make money from home that I've compiled (mostly online but some offline ways to make money as well). Enjoy!

*Note: The salary estimates come from ZipRecruiter, which is a top-rated job search board. They should be taken with a grain of salt, sometimes an unusually large grain of salt.

Writing Jobs..

1. Start a Freelance Writing Career

If you like writing, you like working on a flexible schedule, and you like writing about things that people tell you to write about... then freelance writing might be for you.

There are plenty of freelance writing platforms out there that match up freelancers with clients looking for content, whether it be blog posts, product descriptions, ebooks, etc.

On freelance sites like Upwork, Freelancer, etc., you can create your own freelance writer profile and begin to write for clients, build your reputation and attract more work. The downside is that it can be difficult to get started when you have not yet proved yourself.

According to ZipRecruiter the average salary for freelance writers is about $63k a year, which is much higher than I was expecting.

2. Join a Content Mill

Content mills are places that hire writers to write content for clients. They are easier to make money with but don't pay as much (and often don't put out that great of content for their clients).

You can join sites like Textbroker, Writer Access, Verblio and others to do this. There are plenty out there.

Usually these sites pay per work, generally ranging from around $0.01 to $0.07 per word. There are also usually levels, or ranks, that you can move up as you improve. This can increase your pay.

*There is somewhat a grey line between what is a "content mill" and what is a freelance writing job. Content mills are generally seen as writing platforms that push out lower quality content and don't reward writers as much, where as freelance writing jobs offer more room for growth and building of your own brand.

3. Start a Blog

If you want to make money as a writer but want the most freedom possible, such as working for yourself and making money on your own time, then starting a blog might be something worth looking into.

There are many ways you can monetize a blog, such as through advertising, affiliate marketing, selling an ebook, etc. When you work for yourself like this there is big income potential.

The good thing is that you don't need any sort of tech skills to do so. In modern times there are platforms you can use that make this simple. You can learn how to start a blog the easy way here.

I make my living blogging online and know how lucrative it can be if done the right way.

4. Full-time & Part-time Contract Writing Jobs

On sites like ProBlogger, which is a job board site, you can find all sorts of different writing job opportunities. There are freelance opportunities as well as contract positions ranging, including part-time and full-time.

You can find all sorts of different writing jobs out there on sites like this, some that pay surprisingly well.

5. Transcription Work

Transcription is when you turn audio into written text, and there are plenty of different companies out there that will pay you to do this.

You will listen to audio and type what you hear. It's simple but probably more frustrating than you are imagining.

Types of things you might transcribe include business meetings, lectures, phone calls, interviews, etc.

You can check out Allegis and Quicktate if interested in doing this.

The average transcriptionist salary is about $30,000 a year.

6. Become an Online Translator

If you know more than one language fluently then you might be interested in doing some online translation work. This type of work often has a transcription component to it. For example, many transcription companies hire translators as well and have them transcribe something into a different language. So it's a mix of transcription and translation.

There also other online translation opportunities out there, such as for Unbabel where you can get paid to help improve translations.

7. Write an Ebook

Writing an ebook could also be another option for making money as a writer.

There are many ways you could go about this. You can always find some clients on freelance websites that are looking for people to write ebooks, or you could write an ebook for yourself and sell it yourself.

What you could do if you are a serious writer is create your own blog and sell your own ebook on that blog, which is actually what many bloggers end up doing.

8. Write Essays for Lazy Students

Sites like iWriteEssays.com and EDUBirdie connect people looking to have essays written with people willing to write those essays for money.

The people paying for this type of work consists of lazy students that don't want to do their own work, which is why there is an ethical dilemma here. But nonetheless, it is a way to get paid to write.

9. Proofreading & Editing

If you like to read and are good with writing structure and grammar, proofreading and editing might be up your alley.

On freelance sites like Fiverr you can sell proofreading & editing services, in which you could make money proofreading & editing books, articles, papers, etc.

ZipRecruiter's proofreader Salary Estimate: About $42k per year on average.

10. Creative Writing

Got a creative mind? Like to write? Then maybe creative writing is an okay choice.

You could start a freelance profile on Fiverr or Upwork and make money writing creative bios, articles, fixing up boring writings, etc.

ZipRecruiter lists the national average salary of such as being about $68,000/yr.

11. Writing Sales Copies

Sales copy writing is something another way to make money writing. If you have a salesperson type of personality and like writing then this could be for you.

You can sell your skill on freelance websites and you might even find some jobs available on job search sites like Indeed.

12. Writing People's Wedding Vows!

If you have a soft and gushy heart full of love, what do you think about writing wedding vows?

There are lots of people that have trouble coming up with vows and need help. What you can do is offer your vow services on places such as Fiverr. There other people doing it!

Then again, do you really want to write someone else's vows for them? Shouldn't they come from the person who is going to be using them?

Be Your Own Boss (type jobs)..

13. Dropshipping

Dropshipping has become hugely popular in the recent years. Its popularity has died down a bit but it still can be a good way to make money online that is relatively simple.

Dropshipping is a way to go about ecommerce. When you do this you set up an ecommerce site full of products, but don't actually have any inventory. Instead, when someone buys a product on your site, you simply order that product directly from the manufacturer and have it shipped to them.

It is more difficult than it sounds, but is still an option with good potential.

14. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is when you promote products online and earn commissions when you help make sales. This is how many online marketers get there start, since it is a pretty simple business model overall... all you do is promote.

It's a good way for beginners to get started because it costs little to nothing to get started with, and, as mentioned, it is relatively easy... you don't need your own product. You just promote what is already proven to sell.

There are many different ways to go about doing so but I recommend this training program.

15. Guest Posting

If you have your own blog you might be able to increase your earnings with guest posting. It depends on how popular your blog is. If it is popular then you might be able to get people to pay you to allow them to post articles on your site.

The goal for them is to include a backlink to their site, which they will pay for.

16. Do Some Amazon Arbitrage

Have you ever heard of people buying things on Amazon and the items showing up with stickers from Walmart, Sam's Club, Target, etc? The reason this happens is because people buy things at lower prices from other sources and then resell them on Amazon.

Some people will buy products that are on sale and then resell them, it's not all that uncommon and you can make good money if you know what you are doing.

You can do this type of thing on other sites too, like eBay, but Amazon seems to be the most popular for it right now.

17. Refer Friends with Referral Links

This is when you use a unique referral link to get someone else to join some program, opportunity, whatever it may be. It's basically the same type of deal as affiliate marketing, just you usually don't get paid a commission for "helping make a sale", instead you get paid just for getting someone to join.

You can find referral opportunities all over the place. For example, Uber offers up to a $1000 referral bonus and the popular investment app Robinhood offers free stock investments if you refer someone else in, which are just 2 very different examples.

18. Domain Flipping

A domain in the online world is the URL or website address to a website. For example, the domain of my site that you are on now is legendarywallet.com.

Domain flipping is when you simply buy domains and sell them at higher prices. It is possible to make very good money doing this but it takes a good eye for potential.

Facebook supposedly bought FB.com for over $8 million, which is crazy. Now imagine if you had bought that domain first... There is definitely potential but of course an opportunity like this would be incredibly difficult to forsee.

19. Sell a Website

Some people make money by selling websites. I'm not talking about simply buying a domain and reselling it, but rather buying a domain, setting up a website and then reselling it.

Basically what you are doing is selling people pre-made websites, at least to some extent.

These can be sold on sites like Flippa.com.

20. Start a Youtube Channel

If you feel like you have a likable personality and are comfortable in front of the camera, then why not start a Youtube channel. Find something that you love and start a channel about it.

On Youtube you will be able to get paid from the advertisements they display on or before your videos. Additionally you can always do affiliate marketing by providing links in the video description or even sell your own products.

21. Sell Photos

If you are someone that loves to take pictures and is good at it, then you may want to make some money selling those pictures.

Stock image sites like iStock or Getty Images make it easy to do in today's online world. How these sites work is you will get paid per download.

22. Fitness Coaching Online

Online fitness coaching has become a massive industry, with many people turning this into a full-time career.

If you are into fitness and think you have knowledge that is worth sharing and that can help people, there could be a future for you in this.

The good thing is that you don't need any sorts of certificates or qualifications to sell fitness plans online, although it definitely will help by making you look more professional.

Most fitness coaches seem to be pulling in customers from Instagram or Youtube. They get a following of fitness fans and then sell them on their training.

23. Instagram Modeling

This definitely is NOT for everyone, but it is still worth mentioning.

Have you ever been told that you look "hot" or have "sexy eyes" (lol)? Then maybe you could become an Instagram model.

Instagram models are nothing more than people who have Instagram accounts that develop large followings by modeling themselves, aka showing off their sexiness.

Once you have a big following on Instagram you can monetize it in a number of ways, such as affiliate marketing which was already discussed above (when you promote products and earn commissions).

24. Give Shout-outs on Social Media

If you have a big social media following, whether it be Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc., there are many ways you can monetize it. One of which is by giving shout-outs.

Believe me, people will be willing to pay you just to mention their website, product, brand, whatever. 

And what you can also do is reach out to people and offer them shout-outs. If you have a fitness social media channel, for example, there are plenty supplement companies you can ask.

25. Sell Fashion

Have you ever thought about selling new or used clothes online? Well if you are into fashion and haven't, you might want to. Poshmark is a great way to build your own brand around selling your own style of fashion. 

Some people make a living selling fashion on this platform, mostly looking for clothing deals that fit their style and reselling them. It's similar to eBay but it's all about fashion, and the platform has more of a social aspect to it.

26. MLM Opportunities

MLM opportunties include things like Herbalife, Melaleuca, Avon, Amway, etc.

These are businesses you can partner with and work on your own time. Basically you partner with them and work as a representative, recruiting a team beneath you and selling products.

But if you don't like pestering people to join, this might not be for you.

27. Start an Online Agency

Have you ever thought about starting your own agency online? I know it sounds like a lot but it isn't as difficult at it seems.

There are several courses out there now that teach people how to create their own agencies as a single person and outsource all the work. It could be an agency that creates logos for company website, manages ad campaigns or social media, helps with SEO and so on.

The easy way to go about it is like this: Basically what you do is create a professional looking site, reach out to companies that might need your help and tell them how you can benefit them. You set the rates and you outsource all of the work. Of course you can do work yourself if you want to, but you don't have to.

28. Sell T-shirts on TeeSpring

Websites like TeeSpring make it easy for anyone to design their own shirts and sell them online. Basically all you do is design them on their website and have them make the shirts for you.

It's a nice business model because, as far as I understand, there is no up-font cost and they just take their pay out of the money you make selling.

T-shirts can be very profitable but they can also be complete failures and extremely hard to sell. You have to be in tuned with what types of shirt designs people actually want.

29. Start an Etsy Shop

Etsy is kind-of like an eBay for handmade, vintage, custom, and unique items. 

You can find lots of people selling all kinds of unique clothing, jewelry, furniture, etc. on this site.

Of course you can also sell your own items on your own Shopify store, but Etsy is well known for this type of craft, so it might be easier to get customers using it.

30. Sell Mugs & Other Collectibles with Your Own Designs

This is another similar business to selling t-shirt designs online. There is more than one place you can go to in order to design mugs and collectibles online and then sell them, Printify is a good choice.

Just like TeeSpring mentioned above, they handle all the hard work for you. So if you have some grand design that you think will sell like wildfire, then go for it.

Jobs for People With Online Marketing Skills..

31. Manage Social Media

There are plenty of companies out there that don't know what the heck they are doing on social media. They don't know how to interact to grow their business online.

If you have a knack for social media you might be able to turn that into a profit. You can sell your social media managing skills, helping clients grow their business.

This could mean just creating an initial social media account for someone, regularly posting and keeping things up to date, doing audience research and creating a strategy, and so on.

The average yearly salary for a social media manager is about $48k.

32. Run PPC Campaigns

PPC campaigns are advertising campaigns where you Pay Per Click (PPC). You can do this type of advertising on social media sites Facebook and Instagram, on search engines like Bing and Google, and so on.

There are plenty of people out there looking for help with this.

But it's not as easy as it sounds. Running campaigns requires knowledge of how to target the right audience, which network will work best, the right ads to use, etc.

The average yearly pay for a PPC manager is right around $67k.

33. Help Websites With SEO

If you have experience with websites and know how to rank in Google, you might be able to sell your skills and help other websites do the same.

There are lots of people out there looking to hire help with their website SEO (search engine optimization).

Selling a skill like this on freelance websites could be a good idea.

SEO "specialists" earn an average yearly income of about $53k

34. Boost Youtube Channels

An experienced Youtuber who knows how to optimize everything to get as much traffic as possible might be able to put that experience to good use.

People are selling their Youtube video marketing skills on freelance websites.

35. Email Marketing Manager

I'm sure we have all received those annoying emails from companies trying to get you to buy more products. They might start out innocent and all, but they always end with some sort of product or service being pushed on you.

You could be one of these people sending out the annoying emails, or at least managing the operations. 

Email marketing is a huge business and companies need to be doing it. If they aren't, you can always reach out and offer your services.

The national average salary of an email marketing manager is about $76k.

Additional Freelancing Job Ideas..

36. Make Money Designing Logos

If you have experience with graphic design you might want to look into designing logos for brands. This can be very simple and I know plenty of people with websites are looking for such services.

Fiverr is a good freelance site to sell this type of service on. There is lots of opportunity here.

37. Design Book Covers

Designing book covers is something that a lot of people have trouble with, and it's no wonder. When someone puts a bunch of effort into something it can be hard to figure out how to portray the contents on the outside.

This type of work takes more than just good graphic design skills. 

People offer book cover design services on freelance websites such as Upwork and Fiverr. You could be one of them.

38. Do Voice Overs

If you think you have a quality voice, then why not make money with it?

Here you can sell voice over service. You will be able to make money when people pay you to read something.

The good thing is you won't be on camera. You're voice is the only thing that is getting recorded.

Once again, Fiverr is a good choice if you are interested in making money with this.

39. Whiteboard Video Creation

Have you ever seen those instructional or informative videos with the virtual whiteboard and all sorts of animations? Ya... they are everywhere and if you are good at creating this kind of thing you can make good money with it.

Freelance website are the way to go when it comes to this line of work. Normally people will hire you for a gig or two.

40. Record Jingles & Drops

Some people have an uncanny ability for jingle creations. A jingle is nothing more than a catchy slogan used for advertising.

If you have a creative mind you may be able to put that to use and make some money creating jingles like this.

On Fiverr how it would work would be: a client contacts you and provides information about their brand and some guidelines for creating the jingle. Then you put your creativity to work.

There is little chance you will make much money doing this, but if you sell several different services on freelance sites it can be a nice supplemental income.

41. Editing Videos

A lot of people start out on Youtube editing their own videos, which usually turns out pretty bad. But at some point everyone wants to look to someone else to do that kind of work, so there is plenty of opportunity to get into this line of work.

Youtube video editing seems to be the most popular area right now, but there are other opportunities as well.

Freelance websites would be the best places to land jobs like this, although you might also find people hiring on ZipRecruiter and other job boards.

The average yearly salary for a video editor is around $47k a year, although this is another statistic you should take with a massive grain of salt.

42. Film Testimonials

There are people that make some pretty decent money filming testimonial videos online. What you do here is film a video about how great some product is.

Many such videos are requested for online courses, which I see all over the internet.

Freelance websites such as Fiverr are very popular for this kind of thing.

43. Take Awesome Product Pictures

Taking good product photos is harder than you may think. If you have ever sold something on Ebay then you probably know this.

Because of this there is demand for skilled picture takers. If you are good at taking pictures and making products look spectacular in all their glory, then you might be able to cash in on your skill.

Fiverr is a popular freelance site for this type of gig as well. 

44. Research Someone's Family Tree!

This is a pretty interesting way to make money online and I can see some people really liking it.

We have all seen the commercials for Ancestry.com and others. It is a growing business and freelancers actually make money digging into people's past and putting family trees together for them.

You don't need to test DNA to do this. It isn't that involved if you are going to be marketing yourself on freelance websites.

Online Teaching Jobs..

45. Teach English Online

If you are fluent in English and want to make some decent money online, then teaching ESL (English as a second language) may be a good fit for you.

There have been all sorts of ESL teaching platforms that have popped up online in the recent years. Most of them are for children of Asian countries (China, Japan and South Korea mostly) that are looking to learn English.

With most of these opportunities you teach 1-on-1 or a small group of students.

VIPKID is probably the most popular of these platforms. You can make up to $22/hr teaching here.

46. Teach Spanish Online

I know there are many Spanish speakers in the US, which is why I decided to include this opportunity here as well. While online Spanish teaching isn't in quite as much of a demand as English, there is still opportunity out there to make some money.

Most online Spanish teaching jobs you can find are freelance work, which means you will have to prepare your own lessons. You can set your own rates, but don't expect these types of jobs to be easy to get. As with all freelance work, it takes time to build a customer base.

Freelance language platforms that you can teach on include places such as iTalki and VerblingLive Lingua is another option that is not freelance, where you will work for them teaching Spanish online. 

47. Teach Your Own Course

At places like Udemy you can easily create your very own course and teach it online. This platform is very well designed and makes it easy to teach whatever knowledge or skills you may have.

You will find all sorts of different online courses being taught on platforms like this... such as courses on how to play instruments, courses on investing, web development, marketing, meditation and self growth, painting and just about anything you can think of.

Got a skill you want to teach the world and be rewarded for? This might be worth looking into more.

48. Teach K-12 Curriculum Online

Would you have any interest in teaching your normal academics to kids online? There are opportunities to do this as well, and a variety of them.

Places such as Edgenuity partner with schools all over and help students by providing online teaching. Besides teaching normal curriculum, this place also provides the opportunity to teach personalized lessons and for things like test preparation.

49. Work as a Tutor

You would also work as a tutor online, with plenty of opportunities for this all over. You could tutor in math, English, other languages, physics and pretty much any subject. Of course you are going to have to have qualifications to do so however.

Most positions like this are freelance, although not all.

The average salary of online tutor jobs is listed at $46k per year.

50. Be an Expert

If you are an expert in any particular field you may be interested in making some money answering questions. Sites such as JustAnswer pay experts to answer questions for users. The pay depends on the question complexity and your qualifications.

Professionals from many different fields use sites like this to make extra money.

Administrative Jobs Online..

51. Become a Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistant jobs are on the rise and there is no wonder why... it is much cheaper for companies to let people work from home than to pay for office space. 

As a virtual assistant you might find yourself doing all sorts of work. Basically you are a secretary that works virtually from home. You might answer phone calls, organize interviews, schedule appointments, data entry and more.

The average yearly salary for a virtual assistant is about $39k.

52. Online Chat Jobs

Online chat jobs are also a big thing. Have you ever been on a website and a popup appears that says "Hey, do you need help finding anything?"? These popups often connect you directly with an agent that will provide help via live chat.

These types of jobs can also be found online. Some of them may require very little knowledge while others may require experience in certain fields and even degrees. It all depends.

There are also "chat jobs", as people call them, where you talk through your computer. 

53. Data Entry

If you live in a country like the US where the cost of living is a higher than most other countries, this may not be a very good choice for making money (because of the low pay), but nonetheless it is a way to make money that could potentially be an extra earner in your spare time.

Data entry consists of taking data from one source and entering it into another source. It is an incredibly repetitive and boring job, but it is also easy and doesn't require any sort of degree or skills.

The average salary for data entry jobs is right around $42k a year. However, take this number with an over-sized piece of salt... because this includes all types of data entry jobs, which there are many of.

*Note: There are boatloads of "data entry" scams out there that pose as legitimate opportunities but are nothing more than lies.

54. Customer Service

Online customer service jobs can be very similar to virtual assistant jobs. The difference is that with these jobs your focus is on customer service alone.

Many of the positions you will find out there like this are to work for a company that provides virtual customer service to a bunch of other companies. 

The salary estimate for virtual customer service jobs is listed at around $30k a year on average.

Ways to Make Money Selling Unwanted Items..

55. Craigslist for Your Unwanted Items

Craigslist is another good way to make some extra cash. Many people use this site to sell unwanted used items every so often. It's a good way to get rid of things you don't want to simply throw out but that are too large to sell on eBay (because shipping would cost a lot). 

Yeah... the market of buyers is only local, but this site gets some pretty good traffic and some items you could sell in no time.

And, if you want to take things to the next level, you could always look for awesome deals on sites like Craigslist or even on Facebook Marketplace, buy them, and resell them on the same darn platform for a higher price (people do this).

56. Sell things on Facebook Marketplace

Facebook Marketplace is the same type of deal as Craigslist. It is an online marketplace for local buyers and sellers. Pretty much anything you can find on Craigslist you can find on here too. 

Which is better for selling unwanted items? 

That is a difficult question to answer. We find that the Facebook Marketplace, although it hasn't been around as long, can be extremely effective for a quick sale. This is probably due to people being able to see your Facebook profile and matching up your face with the items being sold, adding trust to the potential transaction.

57. Sell Those Dusty Old CD's, DVD's, and Games

In modern times there isn't much use for CD's or DVD's anymore. Now we have Netflix and Itunes. This means that these old disks are probably sitting around collecting heaps of dust, so why not sell them.

There are actually websites that are set up for exactly this... to buy people's old DVD's, CD's, games, and resell them.

Just don't expect to earn much.

Super Easy, but Low Income Potential..

58. Take Paid Surveys

If you have spent any amount of time looking for ways to make money online then you probably have come across paid surveys. They are incredibly popular, but this doesn't mean they are good opportunities. 

They are very popular because their purpose is to collect consumer data, which is in huge demand. Because of this there are about a billion (well, maybe not a billion) different survey sites out there.

The big downside is that they pay very little, usually around $0.25 - $2 per survey. And many surveys you try taking you will be disqualified from, which leads to even lower amounts of pay based on the time you put in.

Some popular and trusted survey sites include Swagbucks, PaidViewPoint, MySurvey, etc.

59. PTC Sites

PTC sites are "Paid To Click" sites that do exactly that... pay people to click.

What do they pay you to click? Advertisements.

Basically how it works is advertisers pay these sites to advertise whatever they want and they pay members to click on these ads. It is a bit of a win/win for everyone but the downside of course is that they pay very little, sometimes as low as $0.001, which is ridiculous. Anothe downside is that they provide some pretty horrible traffic for advertisers.

ClickSense and NeoBux are two of the more well known PTC sites out there if interested.

60. Do "Microwork" Jobs

There are sites like Microworkers, Picoworkers and Amazon Mechanical Turk that people use to pay others to do menial tasks that are super easy. This can include things like sharing something on Facebook, commenting on a Youtube video, writing a review for some product, and so on. There are lots of little tasks you may find.

The downside of course is that they pay very little. Generally speaking you are looking at anywhere from $0.01 to $2 or $3 depending on the job.

61. Get Paid to Download Apps

Believe it or not, there are apps you can download on your mobile device that pay you to download other apps. I know it sounds crazy but it is actually true.

It's a way of advertising. Developers pay these apps to advertise their new apps and so they pay people as an incentive to download and use the new apps.

AppMan and AppBounty are examples of apps that pay for this.

62. Watch Videos

Even something as simple as watching videos can make you money. They could be very short videos, just a minute or so long or they could be longer. And the subject matter can be just about anything.

Perk TV and SwagbucksTV pay people to do this. The way they make money of course is through advertisements. You will have to watch ads in order to earn your money.

Usually you will make around $0.01 per video that you watch, which averages around 2 minutes or so.

63. Unlock Your Phone (Yes... really)

Apps like Fronto pay people to unlock their phones, and there are more apps that are beginning to do the same.

Once again, it's all about advertising. Basically how it works is you will download the Fronto app onto your device and it will display ads on the lockscreen. You can earn money without even clicking on the ads, although if you do you will earn more.

64. Just Search The Web

Doesn't it sound pretty awesome that you can get paid just to search the web? Qmee and Swagbucks have browser extensions you can install to earn while you do your normal searching.

The way they are able to pay you to do this is because they advertise and also probably because they monitor your activity and sell the data.

Earning Cash Back (low potential but worth it)..

65. Get Cash Back on Grocery Shopping

Everyone goes grocery shopping. Well... maybe not everyone goes, but everyone benefits from it in one way or another, unless you are living off of the land yourself, which you probably aren't if you are on the internet reading this right now.

Since grocery shopping needs to be done, why not get some money back on the money you spend.... cash back.

Apps like Ibotta and DOSH are great for this. They differ but are both good, Ibotta probably having the upper hand when it comes to grocery shopping.

You might earn a dollar back here, $2 there, $0.15 for that item, etc. There is no telling, but it does add up and it's easy.

66. Save at the Fuel Pump

GetUpside is a good cash back app if you are looking to save money on gas. They work with select gas stations and can help your once depressing gas station visit become a little less depressing.

Saving $0.05 to $0.12 per gallon is nothing out of the ordinary.

There is a saying that gas is the cheapest thing you will put into your vehicle, which is true to some extent... but still... it is expensive as all heck and apps like this make it more bearable.

Offline Money Makers..

67. Ridesharing

I'm sure we have all heard of Uber and Lyft. If you work with these companies you can drive around in your own vehicle and give rides to people, doing what a taxi driver does.

You work on your own time and where you want. But don't think for a second you can just go out and start giving tons of people rides, making tons of money. Most people find the competition among other drivers to be pretty stiff.

68. Deliver Food

If you don't like dealing with people, driving them around in your spare time, then you may like the idea of driving food around better.

Uber Eats, DoorDash, Grubhub, these are all apps that allow individuals to get paid to deliver people's food.

How it works is you will be alerted when someone places an order for delivery and can then drive to the restaurant and deliver that food.

69. Rent Out Part of Your Home

With apps like AirBNB it is now easier than ever to rent out your home and make some money. Or maybe you have a boat at the dock that you can rent out... or maybe even just a single bed room that you don't use.

There are people renting out all sorts of spaces on AirBNB. The downside is that you probably won't get much business unless you live in a nice area where people like to travel.

70. Advertising With Your Car

Have you ever seen cars covered in decals advertising some brand or product? I'm sure you have and most people assume that the people driving these cars work for the particular company they are advertising for.

However, anyone can actually get paid to cover their car in decals and do this, if you have a nice car of course. The amount you can make depends on what type of car you have, the amount of decals and what you will be advertising, where you live and so on. 

Miscellaneous Flexible Income Opportunities..

71. Test Websites and Apps

If you like the sounds of getting paid to surf around websites and test out apps then usability testing might be right for you. Usability testing is when you test the "usability" of a website or app.

Developers want to make sure their websites or apps are working up to par before releasing updates or new developments to the masses... and this is where you would come into play. Basically you would be testing things out and making sure there aren't any glitches, bugs, navigation errors, etc.

These jobs also often require a basic review of different elements and what you think. Most positions require that you record yourself via webcam as you review the app/website and speak your thoughts aloud.

Making $10 per test (takes around 25 min) is typical. 

72. Mystery Shopping

How would you like to get paid to shop? I'm not talking about earning cash back. I'm talking about getting paid like it's your job.

Mystery shopping opportunities come from market research companies and even internally from companies themselves making sure they are delivering good service.

On the job you might have the task of asking for help on some matter, simply calling into a company and asking specific questions, observing certain aspects of the business, etc.

It can be fun and rewarding. The downside is that working for a single mystery shopping position is likely not going to provide you with much work.

Where to Go From Here?

I know a lot of the opportunities listed don't provide much detail, but that is not the point. The point of this list is to get you thinking... to help you come up with new ideas and possibilities for making money.

There are lots of ways to earn a full-time income, part-time income, supplemental income, steady income, flexible income, and so on, listed above. If you like anything that you see then I suggest diving more into the research of it all.

If you are looking for my #1 recommendation for making money from home, check this out. The reason it is what I recommend above all else is because I've been doing it since 2015 online and make a good living doing so.


list of ways to make money from home, ways to make money from home

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  1. Thank you Kyle for wonderful ideas for helping people like me to find a source of an extra income during some difficult time in their life.
    My best regards and application.

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