Have you seen the teaser from Motley Fool for their "Ultimate Buy Alert"?
Wondering what stock they are talking about that is so special and that can supposedly make you so much money?
Then you are in the right place.
There may be different variations of the teaser floating around the internet out there, but the one I came across started out as shown here...

In the teaser we are told about how Motley Fool's advisory services have recommended massive winners over the years, some of the most notable being...
- Amazon - up 12,147%
- Netflix - up 17,476%
- Salesforce.com - up 2,311%
... but results like this shouldn't be expected and certainly aren't the norm. These are some of the most profitable examples they have to give, which you'd expect in sales material like this.
But anyways... the point of the teaser is to alert everyone to some new special investment opportunity. Apparently a "very profitable stock buy signal is flashing right now"...

The Motley Fool founders, David Gardner and Tom Gardner, both make investment recommendations, but they make them independent of each-other. However, now we are told that they both agree upon one specific investment that is the "ultimate buy".
According to the information, when there have been past "ultimate buy" signals, where both David and Tom have agreed on something, investors have seen huge gains, such as those from investing in Netflix and Tesla.
Over the years there have been 23 stocks with this type of signal and the average return has been 945%, impressive to say the least.

*But then again this number doesn't say much since it would be highly distorted due to the massive gains of single recommendations such as Netflix (up over 17,000%)
So... what the heck is this teaser for?
What are they talking about? What is Motley Fool's ultimate buy stock? We'll be going over all this.
How This Works
Of course they aren't just going to be providing recommendations for free. There is no way they would just give away their "ultimate buy" without a price.
Once you make it to the bottom of the teaser you will find something telling you that... of course... you have to subscribe to one of their advisory services in order to get the information.

The report that their "ultimate buy" stock is disclosed in is called Cable TV's Ticking Time Bomb: An Investor's Guide to the Cord Cutting Revolution... and the report is free... but you have to subscribe to their paid subscription service (Stock Advisor) in order to get this "free" report.
So is it really free? You decide.
What Stock Are They Teasing?
Without actually buying into this I was able to find out the stock that they are teasing here.
Some of the hints that were are told about this company include that it:
- is a "tiny little internet company"
- is smaller than 1/100th the size of Google
- its young CEO has made $575 million on the stock since its IPO
- it is said to be the "nail in the coffin" for traditional cable, but has nothing to do with streaming companies like Netflix or Hulu, but rather is "in the middle of the advertising market"
From the hints given it is pretty obvious that The Motley Fool is teasing The Trade Desk (TTD) company, which is a company that has developed a new technology for advertising with real-time bidding for more efficient ads.
If interested in how it works you can watch the short (less than 2 min) video below, but this is up to you...
Motley Fool has actually been teasing this stock for quite a while now, at least since 2018 as shown in a review on Stock Gumshoe... but of course with making updated adjustments to their teasers.
This has been promoted as everything from the "Ticking Time Bomb" to the "Ultimate Buy Alert", and probably others that I'm unaware of.
They've also written articles about The Trade Desk and even interviewed Jeff Green (The CEO) back in 2017, which you can listen to here. It's one of their most highly recommended stocks right now, and has been for a while.
So now you know... the company being teased here is TTD, which has proven to be a very good investment over the past several years...

Is Stock Advisor Worth It?
Okay, so now that you know the stock they are teasing there is no need for you to subscribe to the Stock Advisor service to find out... but would it be worth subscribing to anyhow?
Well, you can read my full review of Stock Advisor if you want detailed information about it, but I'll give you a brief overview and my thoughts on whether or not it's worth subscribing to.
Stock Advisor is a follow-along style investment advisory service that, basically, tells subscribers when they should invest in certain stocks. It's a similar service to many others out there, such as Jeff Clark Trader and Jim Fink's Options for Income (both of which I've reviewed). But... I don't recommend many advisory services and I can say that Stock Advisor is something I do indeed recommend, largely because they are transparent and have a good track-record of past performance.
Also, there is a discount for 50% off the annual members, which means you can subscribe for $99/yr instead of $199.
Okay, let's do a quick recap:
- In order to find out what the "ultimate buy" stock is that they are teasing you have to subscribe to their Stock Advisor service
- BUT... I've done the research and found that the stock is The Trade Desk, something they've been recommending for a while now
- That said, Stock Advisor is a pretty good advisory service and it is something I can recommend
And that's it!
I hope this information has been helpful to you! And, if so, please share this post to help out others.
Take care and leave any comments/questions below 🙂
What are the names of the TaaS stocks that Whitney Tilson is saying that we should buy right now? Also, What are the names of the stocks that I should buy in reference to the Internet of Things? Thank you for your time.
Kyle, Thank s for sharing. I subscribed to TMF and all I get are emails wanting me to pay for more services. I’m a beginner investor and granted I should buy in BUT that’s not how their PSA’s come across on. “Join now to receive our top 5 picks” etc..i’m still waiting while cleaning out my inbox of the 298 assorted daily emails collected since May 2020.
Go to Simply Wall St. They give you a trial period of I think about 15 days to try out their stock analyzer. Very easy to use and understand. I especially like their discover button. Everything is color coded so its simple to read what may be something to look into and what you might want to avoid with plenty of tools for further research, like undervalued stocks and actual worth, health, future potential, past, insider trading, etc. I am still on my trial period and plan to sign up for the next level which I think is only about 10.00 a month. I simply can’t do without it now.
Thank you for your work & sharing!!!
Thank you for doing this!!! Alot!! And thanks for the advice on Motley Fool, I have been wanting a advisor
service and as far as I can tell they seem to be the best.