Can you really collect American Superpower Checks of $1,818 or more? And can you really get up to 24 of these per year?
The opportunity sounds amazing, but it also sounds too good to be true, which brings up the question:
Are American Superpower Checks a scam?
This is probably the reason you are reading my review now... because it all sounds too scammy and doesn't make all that much sense.
In this review I'll be going over what American Superpower Checks really are (which isn't what you are told), how this opportunity works, the cost of getting in on it and more...
What Are American Superpower Checks?

Let me start off by saying that American Superpower Checks, which I'll sometimes be referring to as ASC for short, are NOT really what they seem to be, based on what we are told.
In a nutshell, "American Superpower Checks" are dividends payed out by companies that are capitalizing on the US Government's attempt to become a global energy superpower once again.
Confused? I know... but I'll be explaining exactly what I'm talking about here and what you need to know.
Let's first start off with what we are told, which unfortunately is very misleading.
What We Are Told
You probably came across some sort of article or video like that pictured below, which talks about the opportunity to make a bunch of money with these checks...

There are likely various different promotions out there, but this is what I came across.
We are told that a unanimous decision by congress triggered a $270 billion investment across the US and that agencies working under the direction of the government will be benefiting from all of this money.
Going further, we are told that we can "sign up to six different agencies mandated to share a cut of their spending with folks like you". And that we will be able to get as much as 24 separate payouts throughout the year under this program.
From the sounds of it you can "sign up" to some program to collect these checks. In the video presentation we are told that these checks "are mailed out to folks who signed up to receive them".
Right from the start things seem a big fishy. The opportunity is presented in a way that sounds too good to be true and a bit scammy... especially when the spokesperson talks about how the money you make from these checks can be enough to "take that dream vacation, buy that classic 1970's Mustang..." and that they can "end your money worries for good".
As I was watching it I was thinking... JUST GET TO THE POINT! There is too much fluff here.
Lies, Lies, and More Lies
As you might have expected, some of the information told to us in the promotional material is not true.
For example, do you remember all of the checks that were shown from people who have supposedly been collecting regular money from this opportunity?
Checks like this one pictured below?...

Unfortunately these are as fake as can be.
I had my suspicions that they might be fake so I decided to do a quick reverse Google image search and found that the man pictured above is actually a stock photo available on a website called DreamsTime...

Source: DreamsTime
And there is more where this came from.
The man pictured below is supposedly named "Peter Ellis" and he supposedly just got a check for $2,533... but the image shown of him is fake as well...

This one I found for sale on the website iStock...

Source: iStock
So is any of it true? The pictures are fake but is there any bit of truth to what we are told?
There are also other examples shown and even claims that some people are collecting as much as $200k a year from these checks.
So Much Misleading Information
The opportunity presented pretty much leads you to believe that you will be able to start making money right away... and lots of it.
They literally tell say that "you can start collecting your own payouts today"...

They also say that it "takes just two minutes to sign up to receive hefty paychecks for the rest of your life".
However, this is far from being the truth.
The truth is that you will ABSOLUTELY NOT be able to start collecting checks today.
Why not? Let's get into what these mysterious"American Superpower Checks" actually are and you will understand why...
What These "American Superpower Checks" Really Are
As soon as I first came across this opportunity I was already thinking that these checks were likely dividend payouts. After all, similar opportunities have been promoted in the past, such as "Freedom Checks", "Congressional Checks"... and now it is these "American Superpower Checks".
The real opportunity being teased here is to invest in different companies involved in the energy industry and collect dividend checks from them.
The sales pitch is one heck of a far-fetched, over-the-top, very misleading load of information... but this is what it boils down to.
They make it sound like you just sign up to some list to start collecting checks, but this is simply not true.
Hints of These Checks Being Dividend Payouts
We are told that there are 6 different agencies that we could be receiving these checks from. Dividends are usually paid out 4 times a year, so this means if you invest in all 6 companies you will get 24 checks a year, which matches up with what we are told.
That is where the '24 checks per year' thing comes from.
Along with this there are some other hints at these checks being dividend payouts.
Who Is Keith Kohl?

Keith Kohl is the guy that is promoting "American Superpower Checks" and is the one that coined the term. He is the person talking in the video presentation and misleading people on this opportunity.
According to his LinkedIn profile he has two Bachelor's degrees, one in history and one in English language and literature/letters, he was a co-author of a book called "Energy Investing for Dummies" and now he works at Angel Publishing where he provides investment advice on companies in the energy industry.
I can't really find all that much information on him and am not sure how he got his start providing financial advice as he does, but according to some sources he jumped in on the shale energy investment opportunity before it became mainstream and has helped thousands of investors capitalize on such opportunities.
In a nutshell, what he does right now is works as an editor for subscription financial newsletter services.
Is he qualified to provide such investment advice?
This is one concern I have because, as I said, the information on him is very limited.
But I'll talk more about this in a bit.
How Much Money Can You Make?
Of course results will vary and there is definitely no guarantee you will get checks of "$1,818, $2,520 or more". This will largely depend on how much money you have to invest in the different companies upfront as well as how well they actually perform.
The opportunity is promoted as being a way to collect regular large checks, but don't take any of the numbers given seriously. In the promotions of course they always give the best examples... and who knows if the examples given are even based on true information.
The "Free" Report Isn't Really Free
At this point you are well aware that these checks are not the amazingly easy money making opportunity that we were led to believe they are.
And yes, there is a catch to all of this...
So the idea is that we can download Keith's free report which outlines the process of being able to collect these "American Superpower Checks", which really just provides investment advice into companies in the energy industry.
BUT.... the free report isn't really free.
Well, it is... but first you have to subscribe to a paid newsletter that Keith is the chief editor for called Energy Investor.
So the report is free but you have to pay for a newsletter that you might not be interested in.

The creation of this whole "American Superpower Checks" thing is a marketing tactic created by Keith Kohl to lure people into subscribing to his newsletter, just as I suspected from the beginning. This is exactly how the past similar opportunities that I mentioned worked ("Freedom Checks", "Congressional Checks").
Is The Newsletter Worth It?
I'm not going to dive too much into detail on the newsletter here, but I'll give a brief overview if you are still possibly interested in going through with all of this and subscribing to get the "free" report on ASC.
The Energy Investor newsletter is a monthly newsletter that goes out to subscribers providing information on what Keith and his team deem to be the best investment opportunities in the energy markets.
As a subscriber you will get:
- Monthly Newsletters - This is the meat of what you get. Every month you are sent a newsletter (as mentioned) where Keith outlines new opportunities he is looking at.
- Model Portfolio Access - You will be able to monitor Keith's model portfolio that features all of his recommendations so that you can see how well everything is performing.
- Members-Only Website Access - You can access the members area to see all past issues of the newsletter so you don't miss anything.
- Alerts - You will also be updated at any time if there is an urgent and/or lucrative opportunity or trade that needs to be made.
What you get is pretty much the same basic thing as all the other investment newsletter subscription services out there. Nova X Report, Oxford Bond Advantage, Weekly Money Multiplier, etc... they all provide the same basic service, the difference being on what types of opportunities they are focused on.
The newsletter doesn't seem to be all that popular compared to others I've reviewed, mainly based on the fact that there aren't many subscriber reviews to be found online.
On StockGumshoe it has an overall rating of 2.5 out of 5 stars, but this is only based on 10 votes and many of them are years old... so there isn't much to go off of here.

Who Energy Investor is for:
As a subscriber you will get access to all of Keith's recommendations and trades. You will see what he recommends and why. You will be alerted to when he makes trades and so on.
Overall this sort of subscriber newsletter is usually good for beginners who want to minimize risk by following recommendations of a professional.
You will be able to make the trades that Keith makes, following along with little work on your part... although it is always recommended that you do your own research and not just blindly follow recommendations.
The Cost
There are 2 different subscription options. You can either sign up for a 1-year subscription for $99 or you can sign up for 2 years at $179.
1. What are American Superpower Checks?
These are dividend payouts from agencies that are in position to profit big from America's attempt to become the leader of the energy market once again.
Unlike what we are led to believe, you can not start collecting these checks right away and you are not guaranteed to make large amounts of money.
2. How Do American Superpower Checks work?
You don't just "sign up" to some list like we are told.
In order to get these checks you have to invest in the different agencies that are recommended in the "free" report.
Then you will be able to collect dividend checks, which is money paid out by companies to its shareholders out of the profits.
3. How do You Collect American Superpower Checks?
First you have to get Keith Kohl's "free" report. In this report you will learn exactly what to do, including the 6 different agencies he recommends investing in.
However, you will first have to subscribe to Energy Investor, which costs money.
4. How much does it cost?
The minimum price to subscribe to the Energy Investor newsletter is $99 for a year, which you will need to do in order to get the free report about the ASC
Are American Superpower Checks a Scam?
No, I don't consider ASC a scam, although I will say that it is one heck of a misleading opportunity.
Based on what we are told we are led to believe that...
- We can start collecting these checks right away
- We can receive regular large payments
- All we have to do is sign up to some list
... and so on.
But then the reality is that you have to invest in companies and the checks are really just dividend payouts... not what you would expect after hearing the sales pitch.
That said, I wouldn't really call it a scam, although I'm sure a lot of others will be calling it such after being lured into subscribing to Energy Investor in such a deceptive way.
The whole teaser of American Superpower Checks is really just a ploy to lure in subscribers for the Energy Investor newsletter.
Is it worth joining so that you can get the report on this opportunity? This is a question that you will have to answer yourself.
I hope you enjoyed this review and found it helpful. Now you should have a clearer picture of what exactly this is and what you are getting involved with.
I'm not personally going to be recommending this opportunity to my readers because I really dislike how it is being promoted and other reasons, but the choice is yours.
An Alternative: If passive income is what you are looking for then you may be interested in taking a look at this program I use--and that I've been using since 2015 to generate passive income online.
Now this has nothing to do with investing, but I mention it because I think some readers might be interested.
You can also check out my top picks for making money from home.
Take care.
Glad to help Linda!
I would have to rightfully disagree with the author, whom states he doesn’t consider American Super Power Checks a scam.
Given the staggering number of misleading claims of having a guaranteed revenue stream, while at the same time, it is also mentioned elsewhere that there is no guarantee you will make the large sums they’re touting, is just ONE OF THE MANY REASONS WHY THIS IS A SCAM!
The fact that consumers are lured into a subscription service before they’re provided with access to information that is already readily available from many other sources, often at little to no cost, is another huge nail in the coffin for this would be legit offer of a so-called guaranteed steady revenue stream.
The whole shtick smacks of in your face deception and manipulation all centered around paying a hefty subscription price for access to more of the same “blah, blah, blah…”
I mean really, if you fall for an investor scam like this, you might as well get a tattoo across your forward that reads, “I’m a sap” ——- because that’s exactly what you’d be if you waste your hard-earned money on such a bogus sham as this is.
As the author of this article so rightfully points out, the ASC advertisement claims all you have to do is ‘sign up to start receiving regular checks,’ until you get to the end of the video to find out the real truth that you have to dole out at least $99 for the merely the chance at making money.
If someone promises you fast and easy money, it’s a scam. Do you feel yourself wanting to believe it? Watch out! That’s a normal reaction scammers count on. Do not take the bait.
This is a new money con but with the same old tricks…Fake testimonials — “real life” rags to riches stories, outrageous claims of a huge windfall, and high-pressure up-selling, are but a few of the many tactics being played here——-Don’t fall for it!
This is a scam pure and simple!
Whether you every make money off this flimflam bogus sham is highly doubtful, but one thing is for absolutely certain, the man behind the curtain is certainly raking in his profits by suckering people into paying hundreds of dollars for a subscription to more and more and even more information and up-selling——-It certainly is a lucrative business for him now isn’t it?!
OK, so theoretically, let’s say a bunch of people follow his ideas and invest in what he invests in.. But by doing that, he shoots up one company but then may secretely invest in it’s competitor then tank it making it rich from the secret investment while all others fail whom he got to invest or some scheme like that? I don’t like the idea of just following a newsletter without him signing something for our protection and having some access number to which he can then be contacted.. I mean after all, if that did happen, his defence could be, well, why are you trusting someone with your money that has just an English degree.. Lol
Good point Neal,
I know a lot of companies out there that publish newsletters safeguard against this sort of problem by not allowing their editors to invest before making a recommendation to their subscribers, but I’m not sure if the publisher behind this American Superpower Checks teaser does.
Thank you for your honest investigation and good info on this. I too had been hearing all this seemingly to good to be true getting checks opportunities but have put off looking into it in fear it was all just a scam. I will now be looking into others ways to invest to have a good retirement fund. I just hope that at 65 I can find a way to retire comfortably as I really have nothing right now.