What is the Weekly Paycheck Indicator

October 28


What Is The “Weekly Paycheck Indicator”? – What You Should Know

The Weekly Paycheck Indicator, or WPI for short, is supposedly a "patent pending" indicator that can accurately predict future spikes in stock prices... so we are told.

BUT... the information given by Alan Knuckman sounds a bit scammy to say the least.

Is the Weekly Paycheck Indicator a scam that is just going to lead to less money in your portfolio? Or is this the real deal?

You've probably come across the video presentation of a guy sitting at a desk with a massive pile of cash... cash that he claims you can make with this secret indicator...


I didn't want to wait for the entire video to drag on for 45+ minutes, so I opted to read the text version... which wasted no time showing massive amounts of money that could be made with this opportunity, such as $1,000 turning into $5,290 in just 4 days...


... and even $5,000 turning into as much as $288,550 in 2 weeks...


And of course we are shown price charts for different stocks that have supposedly exploded in price shortly after the WPI made a signal.


BUT... charts like this don't prove a thing... and how are we to know that this indicator really did predict these price jumps?

For all we know these people could have just found charts with large spikes in price and then said that the indicator predicted them... after the fact.

And the story of how this magical indicator came to be sounds a bit fishy.

Supposedly it has been a secret for 16 years and is "patent pending"...


We are told that Alan Knuckman learned about the indicator from a guy named "Mike", which is a made-up name for privacy reasons... so we are told.

This is the image shown of the guy...


Apparently Alan and "Mike" reached some sort of agreement, but it makes little sense.

We are told that in the agreement he isn't supposed to share this information with anyone else... yet he is basically broadcasting it to the whole world. 


So what should you believe and what is a big fat lie? Obviously things aren't really adding up here and this all sounds a bit too good to be true, does it not?

The Truth Behind Weekly Profit Indicator

At first this indicator seemed to predict big spikes by somehow predicting the news. We are told that it allows you to get ahead of big news before it becomes public.

How it is able to predict the future?... well... no one knows.

However, we are then told that the indicator analyzes 3 variables and that the equation is:

WPI = X*options volume + y*open interest + Z*implied volatility

This doesn't really make much sense... it still doesn't explain how the indicator could somehow know news before it becomes public.

But anyways, this is likely mostly marketing hype and has little truth to it. There is still not proof that I see of this "patent pending" "Weekly Paychecks Indicator" being real. I even searched the United States Patent and Trademark Office database for the "DO365193" US patent application but couldn't find anything.


What we do know is that this opportunity is presented by Alan Knuckman and that the purpose of the teaser is to lure subscribers into his paid subscription newsletter service.

Who Is Alan Knuckman?

He's been all over the news... on Bloomberg TV, on CNBC, MSN, and others.

Alan Knuckman Weekly Paycheck Indicator

But who is he?

Well, he began his career on the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade... as a clerk. And over the past 25+ years he has worked with options markets in all aspects, having transitioned to a floor trader since his early days as a clerk.

But now it seems his main work revolves around providing analysis and investment advice.

Besides being a commentator on the news he also writes the newsletter subscriptions 42-Day Retirement Plan, Dollar Trade Club, Weekly Wealth Alert, and others. Most are published by the investment advisory company Agora Financial, which similar to The Oxford Club, Money Map Press, etc.

He's no fraud and definitely has a good background in the field to provide advice as he does.

What Is He Trying To Get You To Buy?

So basically what's going on here is this:

This whole "Weekly Paycheck Indicator" thing is a teaser to lure new subscribers into his Weekly Wealth Alert newsletter subscription service, similar to the Mortgage Reimbursement Checks and Social Security Catastrophe Plan teasers I exposed.

According to what I've been told, "The Weekly Paycheck Indicator has just registered a spike"... and if I sign up I'll receive an email on how  this play could "put as much as $10,200 in your [my] pocket by next week."

But of course signing up is what all of this information hinges on. You have to join the Weekly Wealth Alert.

What Is Weekly Wealth Alert?

Weekly Wealth Alert

This is a paid newsletter service in which Alan provides investment recommendations to his subscribers so that they can follow along and make pro-recommended trades without needing any knowledge or experience... but of course it is always recommended that you don't just blindly follow investment advice.

As a subscriber you will get:

  • A new trade recommendation weekly - Every Monday he'll recommend a new "fast-cash contract", which is a made-up term for investment opportunities that I'm not going to get into.
  • Weekly video from the trading floor - You'll receive a weekly video from Alan on the trading floor updating you on anything important.
  • 7-video series - This is to help new subscribers get started and contains introductory information.
  • Alerts - You will get email alerts when it's time to make a trade... so you'll need to keep a close eye on this.
  • Portfolio updates - As the model portfolio of all Alan's recommendations is updated you will be notified.
  • And more... including bonuses, guides, etc.

The Cost(s)

It's not cheap. A 1 year subscription to Weekly Wealth Alert is $2,000. 

Now it is supposedly backed by a guarantee that you will be given the chance to double your money at least 20 times over the next year or your money back, but who knows how solid this guarantee actually is.


It would be nice if there were a simple 30-day money back guarantee, but with this type of guarantee you would have to wait at least a year for the chance to even get a refund.

And let's not forget about the costs of actually investing. The newsletter costs $2k and then you are going to need money to invest in everything, which will depend on the individual.

Part of the teaser to subscribe is that you will be given the opportunity to "collect a $10,200 paycheck by next week", but of course the ability to do this is completely dependent on the amount of your investment.


Okay, so we have no proof that the WPI really did predict all of the massive price spikes shown in the teaser, nor do we have any good proof that the indicator even exists... or whether "Mike" is real.

What we do know is very little... but we do know that the point of the whole teaser is to lure in new subscribers to Weekly Wealth Alert. This sort of teaser-lure is pretty common when it comes to financial newsletter subscription services... and it isn't unusual for the information presented to be extremely misleading.

But anyways... I hope this review has given you a better idea of what is going on here. Now you can make a better decision of whether or not joining is the right choice for you.

And before you leave: This has nothing to do with investing, but since you are obviously into generating passive income you may want to take a look at how I've been earning regular paychecks online.

Take care.


Weekly Paycheck Indicator Alan Knuckman, Weekly Paycheck Indicator review, Weekly Paycheck Indicator scam, what is the Weekly Paycheck Indicator

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  1. Seems to me that the WPI is more like an insider trading which is against the law if someone already knows about the acquisition or merger. How is this possible? I’m Leary f investing in Agora Financial since I invested in them 3 years ago on the pot stock and 0.00 is happening. Only way to really be ahead of the mRket is like he said. Younhave to know ahead of time and then you tell your friends to reap the benefits, I’m glad I did my homework and researched before I sank 2,000 into WWA.

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