Teeka Tiwari calls it the “The Investment of The Decade” as well as "The #1 investment of the 2020's". But is this "Genesis technology" really as good as he claims? Is this a legit investment opportunity that can turn $1,000 into $1.6 million or more, as he tells us?
In this review I'll be going over what's really going on here, such as what "genesis technology" really is, whether or not you can trust Teeka Tiwari, the sales pitch and more.
You've probably seen a promo for this opportunity. I wouldn't be surprised if there was multiple floating around the internet - what I came across was titled: “The Investment of The Decade”...

The presentation started off with Teeka talking about how this new technology has been predicted by the World Economic Forum to grow as much as "295,762% over 7 years", how it will create $8.6 trillion in new wealth, and how it has more potential than 5G, AI, and IoT combined.
Some of the more hyped-up claims he makes includes:
- This will give a "rare second chance" to profit like people did who invested in Apple in the early 2000's, Bitcoin back in 2010, or Microsoft in the 1980's
- Will give people the chance to "turn a simple $1,000 into $1.6 million or more"
- "You have to act quickly"
- Investing in this could help you purchase "that vacation home you've always dreamed of"
Sounds great and all... I mean who wouldn't want to turn $1,000 into $1.6 million, or more?... but then again... why is he sharing this with the world? There has to be a catch.
What Is "Genesis Technology"?
If you made it through enough of the video presentation then you know what Teeka is talking about here.
"Genesis technology", as he calls it, is really just blockchain technology.
You've probably heard of it before, but what exactly is blockchain and how is it useful?
Well, simply put, a blockchain is a decentralized, distributed ledger used to record information. And the reason it is becoming so popular is because it is very difficult to corrupt - it's a secure way to store information because of how it is decentralized and distributed.
People often think of Bitcoin when they think of blockchain, but the uses for this technology are much more than just for digital currency. Some of the many possible future uses include:
- Voting
- Banking
- Internet identity and DNS
- Infrastructure security
- Counterfeit goods protection
For a short video explanation, which might do a better job than I just did at explaining it, you can watch this...
Hasn't This Already Been Around a While?
I know that a lot of people feel that they've missed out on the opportunity to invest in this tech. After all, you already missed the initial surge in Bitcoin and many other cryptocurrencies. And not only that, but the word blockchain has somewhat of a bad stigma having been associated with so many worthless and scammy cryptocurrencies over the years, which have led to many investors losing large amounts of money.
However, as mentioned, there are many possible uses for blockchain and it is true that this technology is still in the early stages, at least for real-world uses.
As was explained in Teeka's presentation, the world is still at the beginning of when it actually comes to adopting this new tech for real-world uses.

Sure, it would have been great to get in on Bitcoin back in 2011, but those chances are gone... and there is still opportunity ahead.
Hundreds of banks using blockchain technology, such as Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, and plenty more, are adopting the technology and, as was mentioned in Teeka's presentation, this technology is predicted to account for as much as 10% of the global GDP by 2025, according to the World Economic Forum.
While the presentation might be a bit over-the-top, this certainly isn't something to be taken lightly.
The Opportunity & Sales Pitch
The idea is that anyone can get Teeka's top 3 blockchain investment picks for "free". All the information on these 3 picks are in his "free" report, titled: “The Investment of the Decade: Three Must-Own Stocks that Will Power Blockchain’s 295,000% Revolution”.
*Note: These are all publicly traded company stocks that can be bought through a normal broker, not investing in some cryptocurrency.
In addition to this "free" report, there are several others, as you can see here...

HOWEVER, in order to get his recommendations and all of this "free" stuff, you fist have to subscribe to his paid investment advisory service called The Palm Beach Letter.
The reports are "free", but you have to pay to get them?... makes perfect sense, right?
Anyways, The Palm Beach Letter is a follow-along style investment advisory service that provides subscribers with investment recommendations. What you get if you join includes:
- Monthly newsletters on the first Thursday of each month where Teeka recommends new stocks to invest in. These are not limited to blockchain stocks.
- Access to the model portfolio where subscribers can see current recommendations and how they are performing.
- Member's area website access where a full archive of past reports, newsletters, recommendations, etc. can be found.
The cost to join is supposedly $199/yr, but he's giving people a discount so that you can join for just $49/yr - but I'm not sure how true this is... it might just be a little marketing hook.
Who Is Teeka Tiwari?

Teeka Tiwari throws one heck of a sales pitch, and is a great salesman. This is why people are often wondering if they should trust him or not.
However, if you are able to look past all his hype, you will find that he actually does know what he's talking about and has quite a solid background.
His history includes becoming the youngest Vice President at Shearson Lehman at age 20, managing hedge funds, and much more.
He has Wall Street experience and now takes that experience and uses it to provide investment advice to the public through several different advisory services where he works - Palm Beach Group.
The Palm Beach Letter is just one of many, and is his "entry level" newsletter service. He also edits Palm Beach Confidential ($5,000/yr), Palm Beach Venture ($5,000/yr) and others... so be on the lookout for upsells into these services if you do buy into The Palm Beach Letter.
Quick Recap of What's Going On Here
- Teeka Tiwari's “The Investment of The Decade” he refers to as "Genesis Technology"
- What he's really talking about here is blockchain
- Blockchain is expected to grow in use exponentially in the coming years - this is true
- Teeka claims it's just the beginning, and that if investors get in right now they could "turn a simple $1,000 into $1.6 million or more"
- In his "free" report, “The Investment of the Decade: Three Must-Own Stocks that Will Power Blockchain’s 295,000% Revolution”, he goes over 3 blockchain stocks that he thinks could make you rich
- In order to get this "free" report you have to subscribe to The Palm Beach Letter, which costs $49/yr
- The Palm Beach Letter is a follow-along newsletter service that provides stock recommendations on a regular basis
Conclusion - Should You Buy Into It?
Hopefully this review has helped clear the air on what's really going on here. In short, it's all a sales pitch to lure in new subscribers.
Should you subscribe? Well, this is a decision you'll have to make for yourself. The Palm Beach Letter is very affordable, and the "free" reports alone could be easily worth the price. Additionally, this service will help keep you up-to-date on the market as a whole and where good investment opportunities may lie.
But then again, I think Stock Advisor is a better option if you are looking for a general investment advisory service. It has a solid track-record and isn't so "flashy" with its advertising.
What do you think about Teeka's presentation and all of this? Let me know in the comment section below...
Where else would you receive well researched recommended crypto coins, like penny stocks, to accelerate your wealth when Bitcoin halving and increased exponential Government interest in participating in this phenomenon is about to happen?
Hi. There are many different crypto investment advisory services out there. I don’t really have any that I personally recommend however. I just don’t know enough about them to feel confident recommending any.
Who would want to and who cares? This is no big deal. This shows me someone trying to build an empire for himself, that’s all.
Presentation way too long ..He talks about royalties in lieu of dividends .what does he mean by that ..his free recommendation is ETHE an over the counter stock .how does this stock relate to receiving Royalties as income ????
Hi Kyle,
Thank you for looking out for us little guys that is new to this investing world. If you have the time can you look into Ray Blanco, Director of Technology and Biotechnology Research at Technology Profits Confidential. He is pitching 3 companies that are working on the coronavirus. He named it “Fighting the coronavirus – 3 Companies that could save lives and make you a fortune”
Thank you
Hey there. I loved your input on it all. I have been keeping my eye out for the next new “Apple” or “bitcoin”, even though I am 22 and have no investing experience. I often think about how crazy of a life you could build if you could get in on the initial investment of a life-changing technology. Blockchain technology sounds like a real winner, but would you suggest paying for his “top 3”? or doing my own research? I honestly know nothing, and so if he was trying to get people like me with a flashy instagram ad, it worked. If you’d be willing to respond to me (albeit through comments or emailing me) and tell me what you think I would appreciate it so so much. Thank you!!
Teekas real business is selling you news letters he never really gives away anything for free and there will always be a new subscription you have to purchase. I am a subscriber so I know.
Very true!
I have read the horror stories about the customer service. I found the video in a YouTube ad. The website is the independent investor, and that have a video with Casey Research also. And it looks like the customer service is the same company. I’ve read that you can try to cancel and they still charge renewal fees for 2 or 3 more years. I also read that the renewal is usually $199, but you get lifelong at $129, but charge $199. I believe Teeka knows his stuff and I’d love to invest in the recommendations. Is there a way around the nightmare? I have read on the BBB site that the rating is an F
So ETHE is selling for $237 a share. At that price if you invested $1000 that the article talks about turning into a million plus, you could buy 4.2 shares. In 7 years for that stock to be worth over a million, that stock would have to split multiple times and go well over $2000 a share? Is that even possible?
I also have to say that I have been with motley fool for a few months and I am not a big fan! I get multiple emails a week wanting to up sell and the stocks they recommended you can get the same recommendations from any brocket service like Robinhood or Schwab. I read an article on cannabis stock when I first joined that they recommended and it turned out it was not cannabis it was something entirely different?!?
Thank you Kyle. I tend to find his sales pitches a bit on the sensational side. In my opinion just like Manny Backus, he’s just another over hyped pitchman who gets his money from duping inexperienced traders
Sounds like a big scam to make the rich richer.
Thanks for getting to the point quickly. Really appreciate your work
…while the Teeka advert on YouTube expected that I had the time to sit and watch over an hour of marketing hype …like seriously in a time-poor world, you’ve got my attention for maybe less than 1minute, make it count
While Apple etc etc technology stocks may have peaked and consequently newer people to the world of stock investing may have missed that boat, eventually Apple tech and all these “rad must have fads” will be superseded, so I think it is important to remain totally objective regardless always. Stockbroker sharks (…Teeka??) ride the “emotional swings” of the market – such a volatile “game”
I’m sensing that block chain “technology” really kinda represents “more of the same” of what already exists in the software genre sphere, and likely Asian developers will jump on the band wagon and come up with competitive alternates in good time (and so be it, enough monopoly already; variety represents new innovation)
At the rate “genesis technology” / block chain software is being promoted (…by Teeka), it’s emotional duping – this “technology” will eventually be superseded too. Consequently, do you ride the investment “short train” while the “ferver” lasts, or hunt real revolutionary change technology stock that’s represents more substance that every consumer will want
I don’t have a lot of funds but how can I invest in Genesis?
Thx Kev