You've probably come across the video presentation for My Income Club that says you can earn $100 to $500 like clockwork.
But can you really? Or is My income Club a scam?
I'm guessing it probably sounded a bit too good to be true to you, which is why you are reading my review now... and by the way this is good because this system is not the magical, super-duper easy fairy-tale money making system that it is claimed to be.
Ya, some people claim to be making tens of thousands of dollars per month with it, but we don't even know how true these numbers are and even if they are true, these people probably make up a very small percentage of those using the system.
For example, in the video they show us this guy who claims he made over $22k in the last 4 weeks using this system...

And then there is this guy who claims he make over $30k in a single month...

But anyways... let's get to the review so that you can see what you are really looking at here.
Don't join before reading this!
What Is My Income Club?

- Website:
- Creator: Alfredo Delgado
- Type: Affiliate sales funnel system
- Cost: Free (but you have to purchase other products for it to work)
- Recommended?: Not really
If you did watch the video presentation then you probably don't know much... because they don't tell you much. All you really know is that the system was created by some guy named Alfredo Delgado who claims to have made millions online and loves to show off his sports cars, large checks, and bank statements.

Other than that all you really know is that the system is supposedly "free" and it can easily make you tons of money... so pretty much nothing of importance is told here.
In a nutshell the My Income Club system is an affiliate system that is set up to funnel people into buying various make-money-online/online marketing programs and services. Basically how it works is you buy in and are funneled into purchasing different products, and then you funnel other people in and earn commissions when they are also funneled into purchasing the same products.
Confusing? I'll break down the different steps below...
How It Works
How it works is a bit misleading based on the information given in the sales video. Alfredo talks about how when he first started looking for ways to make money online he was bummed out because they all required money upfront before you could make anything... as if his My Income Club is different.
BUT... while the "system" that he has set up is free, it WILL COST MONEY and you will have to pay money before you can make any.
Here is how it works:
After joining for free you will have access to the members area which includes the setup process, training and other resources.

The setup process is broken down into 4 steps...
Step 1: Join the My Income Club Facebook Group
There's nothing wrong with this. In fact, I like when programs/systems provide a way to communicate with other members on different platforms. This allows you to see how others are doing and to communicate with people who are doing the same thing as you.
Step 2: Join MyEcon
I should have expected something like this. After all, Alfredo did mention that he was featured as one of the top direct sellers on some MLM-related website.
My Econ is a MLM company that sells 3rd party services including ID theft protection, credit improvement services, a cash-flow manager software, travel booking, road-side assistance, credit monitoring and more.
However, the entire company was created as more of a money-making scheme rather than to actually provide quality products.
As with any MLM, there is a pyramid-like recruitment structure where you can recruit in new members and earn commissions from what they buy (level 1), then earn commissions from the people that they recruit in (level 2), then from the people that those level 2 people recruit in (level 3), and so on.

MyEcon's compensation plan goes down to unlimited depth and is a very, very juiced up MLM comp plan.
I'm not going to get too much into it here though. You can checkout this overview of the MyEcon comp plan for more info.
To join the business opportunity it costs $34.95/mo and any product purchases are additional.
Step 3: Join Direct Mail Pro (DMP)
The 3rd step is to join a program called Direct Mail Pro, which is another money-making scheme that is designed to make money by getting others to join.
With DMP you get what they call a "business in a box"...

There are different product levels you will be able to join at to get this "business in a box", which include...
- KickStarter - $250
- Amateur - $500
- Elite - $1,000
- Pro - $2,500
- VIP - $5,000
And the products that these contain include...

- Water bottle
- Books
- Laptop bag (Pro or VIP level only)
- Laptop (VIP level only)
- USB drive
The laptop and laptop bag are reserved for only the higher level members, but the USB drive is what makes really makes the product levels so different. This is where there is training and digital products.
The training is what is key here. The water bottle and other physical products don't really matter at all. They are just there. The training, in which you will learn how to recruit others into the business, and this is the main focus here.
Basically what you do is buy in and then get training and marketing tools so that you can recruit others in. The compensation plan is as follows...
- Tier 1 - 40% commissions
- Your referrals
- Tier 2 - 20% commissions
- Your referrals' referrals
The catch is that you can only earn commissions up to your product level. So if you buy in at the lowest level of KickStarter then you will only be able to earn commissions when you recruit other people who buy in at that level. But if you buy in at the highest level of VIP you will be able to earn commissions no matter what level your recruits buy in at.
Step 4: Join List Leverage
The last step is to join a program/system called List Leverage, which is a product from Matthew Neer... who you probably saw before showing off his sports cars and whatnot, you just might not remember.
List Leverage is an email marketing program/system in which other people help build your email list. The way it works is that every 5th subscriber you get is passed up to the person who referred you to join... and so the same happens for people that you refer... all of their 5th subscribers get passed up to you... which is good and can help you grow your list if you get a lot of recruits beneath you.
How do you get traffic to your landing page so that you can get subscribers?
Well, the system covers this for you too. You can simply pay and it will drive "targeted" traffic to your page... and based on the reviews I've read this traffic isn't cheap... costing more than $1 per click, which can get expensive fast.
Additional Costs
Online Marketing Software:
Additionally, besides joining the programs mentioned above, you will also have to join Aweber for their email marketing software ($19/mo minimum) and ClickFunnels for their sales funnel creation software ($97/mo minimum).
Remember, the goal here isn't to go out and promote MyEcon or Direct Mail Pro and to make money this way... instead you will just be promoting the My Income Club system and the system will then funnel your recruits into joining the other programs.
The traffic generation method being pushed on members of My Income Club is coming from Matthew Neer's List Leverage product. I mentioned it but I should again just to be clear.
It can get expensive paying for this traffic.
So all-in-all if you want to get this entire My Income Club system up and running you have to pay for:
- MyEcon membership - $34.95/mo and you will be pushed to spend more
- Direct Mail Pro - $250 to $5,000
- Aweber - $19/mo minimum
- ClickFunnels - $97/mo minimum
- List Leverage - $47/mo + upsells
- Paid traffic - Can get very expensive
It isn't cheap and it might not be setup this same way forever. I've seen systems that work like this in the past add in new products to their funnels, take others out, and so on.
Can You Make Money With This?
Yes, you definitely can make money with it, but it isn't as great or as easy as it may seem.
It's all one big money-making scheme that provides little value. Everyone is buying in just to recruit others in as a way to make money.
No one is actually buying MyEcon products because they want them... they are buying into it so that they can go out and try to make money recruiting others in. And with DMP you can't even buy the products they offer by themselves. You have to join as an affiliate.
But... yes you can make money. That said, next I'll go over why this is NOT nearly as easy as they make it sound and I highly doubt that the people mentioned earlier who claim to have made as much as $22k and even $30k in a single month have done it with just this system. They likely have years of online marketing experience.
5 Reasons You Might Want to Avoid
#1 - The training is severely lacking
There really isn't much of any training. Everything is based on buying into some other system.
For example: To get traffic they push you to buy into the List Leverage system, which provides training of it's own. To capture leads and create sales funnels they push you to buy into ClickFunnels, which provides training of it's own.
This is basically a skeleton system that sends you to a bunch of different products/systems to make it all work.
#2 - MLM's... well... suck
Failure rates for MLM's are extremely high... as high as 99% according to an article from the FTC.
This is because of the pyramid commission structure they are built around.
Now not all MLMs are equal. Some have higher and steeper pyramid structures, which may seem even better because you can earn commissions from further down in your downline... however these are usually worse... and unfortunately MyEcon has one heck of a steep pyramid-like MLM structure.
What are the average earnings for MyEcon members? They don't disclose this information but I would guess it to be pretty darn low.
#3 - A short shelf life
These types of affiliate funnel systems come and go with the seasons. They aren't all that difficult for the creators to setup and so they usually don't put in all that much effort to keep them going... instead they create the next "$500 per day system".
I've come across dozens of these systems over the years. There is nothing new here and certainly no guarantee this same system will still be around in the coming years.
#4 - Not much value provided
If you are looking for a way to make money that you can actually feel good about, then this certainly isn't it.
This is just one big money-making scheme that funnels people into other smaller money-making schemes. Everyone that is joining is just joining to make money by getting others to join.
#5 - No income disclosure
When I first came across the system I decided to take a look at the income disclosure, which I have learned to always look for.
At the bottom of the one page they state that if you want to see the average earnings then you can click on the earnings disclaimer link... but for me this link would not work.

A lot of "make money online" programs lack straightforward earnings disclaimers, but what's weird about this is that they say you can see the average earnings but the link doesn't work.
Is My Income Club a Scam?
Don't take what I'm saying the wrong way. You can make money with this affiliate sales funnel system, and I don't consider it to be a scam at all... I just wouldn't join.
Not only are there all the downsides I went over above, but what you also have to realize is that this is NOT a long-term money-making strategy. If you do buy into this you are just buying into, as mentioned, a bunch of "done-for-you" type programs/systems. This way you will be 100% reliant on these programs/systems and when they disappear from the face of the internet, which happens constantly, you won't really have any online marketing skills to keep making money.
Conclusion and What I Suggest
Recap: When you join My Income Club you are joining an affiliate sales funnel system that promotes various other online marketing/make-money-online products/services. You first have to buy into the different products/services offered before you can make any money. Then, after buying in, you promote the My Income Club system to others and earn commissions when they are funneled into purchasing the various products/services.
In a nutshell this is what the system is.
If you join, Yes, it will be easy because most things are "done-for-you", and Yes, you can make money... but you likely won't make much and this just isn't the type of system I would recommend for good reason... mainly because it will be much more difficult than you are led to believe and because it doesn't really teach you much.
If you want to learn how to actually create an online business for the long-term then I would highly recommend the Wealthy Affiliate training program. I've been a member myself since 2015 and have built several online businesses over the years that have allowed me to work exclusively from my laptop.
So anyways... thanks for reading and hopefully you found this review helpful. Leave any comments/questions down below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
BTW: The Wealthy Affiliate training program is free to join. You can learn more in my review here.