Death of Cash Survival Kit Review

February 26


Is the “Death of Cash Survival Kit” Legit? – [REVIEWED]

If you've come across the "Death of Cash Survival Kit" by Andy Snyder and are looking for more information on it then you are in the right place.

Is it legit? Is it a scam? What's the deal here?

I'll be covering all of these questions in this review.

Recently I came across a presentation by Andy Snyder that started out with some scare tactics and fear mongering. It started out stating that "starting just days from now" a new law will be coming about that will have a bigger financial impact than the Great Depression.

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Andy claims that a "select but highly powerful group virtually hand-picked by the Obama administration" are working on this new law that will "transform our money supply", and that America's financial legacy will be destroyed.

The video was a bit over-the-top for me, and played to much on fears, so I was a bit suspicious of what the guy was saying, which turned out to be a good thing.

I decided to do a little more research into this teaser and found out that he has been preaching this "death of America" pitch for years now.

In the teaser he keeps saying that this catastrophic even is going to happen "just days from now", but he's been saying this for years.

After digging around a bit online I was able to find an older version of this presentation, from 2018, which says the same stuff...

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Maybe the older presentation should have been saying "just years from now". Or maybe this teaser is just a load of hoopla.

It's no wonder some people think the guy is a "conspiracy nutcase" because of some of his teasers like this...

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[Source: Comment from StockGumshoe]

Is there really any truth to this?

There is a fear among some Americans that the country could go cashless. We've seen it happen in other parts of the world, like India to some degree, but is there any real worry here?

Proponents for the elimination of cash point out that cash 1) Funds criminal activity, and 2) Makes it easier for people to evade taxes.

There's not doubt that cash is being used less and less, due to online payments and credit cards, but cash still has it's place.

If you look around online, you will find good arguments for why cash might be banned and also arguments for why it will never happen and why you shouldn't worry.

I'm personally not too worried and don't think it will happen in the US. The fact is that, at the moment, there has been no big action taking place to move forward with any law relating to this. It's all just talk at this point.

What Is The "Death of Cash Survival Kit"?

Death of Cash Survival Kit

The Death of Cash Survival Kit is a digital product was created to help people survive the possibility that the US will ban cash, which is largely focused on protecting wealth.

The kit consists of a number of different ebooks, aka "special reports". These include:

1) Manward's Guide to Owning and Profiting from Gold

  • Goes over investing in gold, his strategy for buying and selling, and which gold stocks you should own.
  • Also mentions a way to use gold when you "swipe your card" instead of "increasingly worthless dollars", but I'm not sure what he's talking about here.


2) Crypto Profits: Everything You Need to Know to Win With Digital Currencies

  • He claims that Bitcoin's price will soar, possibly into the millions, when the dollar goes digital.
  • This report goes over what cryptocurrencies to get in on and how to store them safely.


3) Cashing In on the Cashless Payment Revolution

  • If cash is banned then global payment companies will likely see an increase in share-price. This is what happened in India and will likely happen to a greater degree if cash is actually banned in the US. This goes over what companies you should invest in.


4) How to Get a 24% Yield in a Zero Interest Rate World

  • Goes over some investment opportunity to get up to 24% yield, even in times of a recession.


5) Create Your Own Bank: How to Acquire and Store the Physical Money of the Future

  • This goes over how to take your money out of the bank and keep it safe in alternative ways.


6) Financial Toolbox: Invest in What You Know Best

  • This is a bonus ebook that covers investment strategies that some of the greats use, like Warren Buffet. It also provides 3 stock recommendations to invest in.

The Main Purpose Here

If you made it to the checkout page then you probably noticed what the purpose of all this is.

The entire Death of Cash Survival Kit is "free", but of course not really.

In order to get the "free" kit you have to subscribe to Andy Snyder's Manward Letter subscription service for $49/yr (more on this soon).

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Who Is Andy Snyder?

Death of Cash Survival Kit Andy Snyder

Andy, or Andrew, Snyder is an experienced investor and a big proponent of limited government and freedom.

In his past he has worked on Wall Street for a brokerage company, which he did for over a decade, and then went on a different path to rough-it out in the Alaskan wilderness, where he lived without any electricity (not sure how long).

He is also the founder of Manyward Press, which is an investment advisory firm that publishes investment newsletters, one of which is the Manward Letter that I mentioned.

Overview of Manward Letter

Manward Letter

Manward Letter is the entry-level subscription service offered by Manward Press.

Andy is the editor of the newsletter and provides investment recommendations along with market commentary, tips for protecting wealth and more.

Subscribers get:

  • Monthly issues of the newsletter that go over the current situation and provide specific investment recommendations
  • Weekly portfolio updates so that subscribers can see the statuses of the recommended investments
  • The Manward Digest e-Letter in which they receive free content published on the Manward website
  • And of course bonuses, like the Death of Cash Survival Kit

In a nutshell this is a follow-along style advisory service where subscribers are told what to invest in and when to invest.

Final Thoughts


  • Andy has been preaching the "death of cash" for years... and has been saying that this will happen "starting just days from now" for years
  • The Death of Cash Survival Kit is a variety of ebooks that go over different ways to protect wealth if cash really is banned, and to profit from the event
  • There has been no big movement to ban cash in the US, which is why some people refer to Andy as a "nutcase" that deals in "alarmist rhetoric"
  • Death of Cash Survival Kit is "free", but you have to pay to subscribe to Manward Letter in order to get it
  • Manward Letter is a follow-along investment newsletter run by Andy that tells people what to invest in and when

So... is the Death of Cash Survival Kit legit? Is it a scam?

I think it is obvious that it is legit. But it's also obvious that it is not much more than a marketing lure used to get people to subscribe to Manward Letter... and the approach taken, which is misleading and makes big use of fear mongering, isn't all that honest.

So, anyways... I hope you enjoyed this review and found it helpful.

Manward Letter has received some good reviews, but if you want an investment newsletter that we actually recommend... one that is reputable with a good track record, then check out Stock Advisor.


death of cash survival kit review, death of cash survival kit scam

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  1. I ordered this last week and haven’t received it yet. I know I paid money for it.
    Please advise if you have my information and when it will arrive or appear on email.
    Thank you ,
    Carolyn Foose

  2. Hey Kyle! I enjoyed your review and definitely appreciated your extremely fair and unbiased perspective on this. You pretty much just solidified what I was already feeling. A lot of what he was saying could come to fruition, but his tactics were the very thing that made me skeptical. Now I see that you wrote this review in February of this year (2020). Considering the way things are going currently, and that fictional “coin shortage” that has been going around amidst all the other ludicrous rules and authoritarian movements, I’m starting to feel like the push to go cashless is becoming less and less far fetched. I guess my main question is, would your review today, in late 2020 be the same as it was at the beginning of 2020. I understand completely if it may have changed some, given how drastically things have shifted in just a matter of months. I’m definitely interested to hear your thoughts. After reading your level headed assessment, I definitely value your input. Thanks again and I look forward to hearing from you.

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