Is Blue Edge Financial worth joining? Is their Titan G27 AI trading bot really that good? Or... is this a scam that you'd be better off avoiding altogether?
This place has been promoted a lot recently online. I actually came across it after getting some spam email from an online marketer that is constantly trying to get people to join different "make money" programs and systems. This made me suspicious from the beginning that it might not be the most legit system. And with all the automated trading software scams out there, which are very common and I even talked about these in my list of scams to avoid, it made me all the more suspicious. However, I've been pleasantly surprised.
UPDATE August 2021: After being a Blue Edge Financial member for over around a year and using their Titan G27 trading bot for over 7 months, I'm no longer recommending this place due to poor results (I'll show you what I'm talking about).
In this review I'll be going over what Blue Edge Financial is, the founders, how their AI trading bot works, the educational content provided, refund policy and more.
Let's begin...
What Is Blue Edge Financial?

- Name: Blue Edge Financial
- Website:
- Social Media: Facebook page
- Founders: Adam Wenig, Joe Hicken, Tyler Turner
- Cost: $197/mo
- Recommended: Not really - check this out instead
Blue Edge Financial was founded in 2019 with "a common vision to help people prosper financially". The creators claim to have been fed up with "broken" systems that people were selling online, and so they looked for some sort of way to create a system that could be duplicated by members and provide financial success over and over again.
In a nutshell, Blue Edge Financial is an education/software company that provides educational Forex trading content and an AI-powered trading bot at its core.
Although many people are joining as members just to get access to the AI trading bot, the company actually really pushes members to go through the educational training content that they provide, which I think is nice... although not necessary to use the bot.
The People Behind It
Adam Wenig, Joe Hicken, and Tyler Turner are the three co-founders behind this company, and are all very young and entrepreneurial driven.
Adam Wenig

Adam Wenig has been called "America's hottest young marketer"... not sure what this is supposed to mean... and started getting into entrepreneurship right out of high school. He's also big into motivational talk and whatnot, and has been on stage with guys like Gary Vaynerchuck and Tony Robins. I'm not sure if he's still doing it, but at one point he was a top promoter of ClickFunnels and made their "2 Comma Club" for generating over $1 million in sales. This makes sense because he is the guy you see most on the marketing side of Blue Edge Financial, in most of their promo videos and such.
In 2019 Wenig partnered with Eaconomy, which is a MLM company that provides an AI forex trading software. The details on this partnership are few and far between, but I wonder if both companies are using the same AI here for their trading softwares, just branded under different names of course..?
*Update: Eaconomy now seems to be defunct, but I'm not sure what happened.
Joe Hicken
When I started looking for information on Joe Hicken I came across a profile on LinkedIn that mentioned being a Cambodian Language Tutor. I thought for sure this wasn't the right guy, but as it turned out this is.

Joe Hicken was over in Cambodia helping out for some time, and graduated from BYU in 2017. He doesn't seem to have his own website like Adam does, but from what I've been able to find on his Facebook page he does mention being a "bot builder", so it seems he has a lot to do with the Titan G27 software. Besides that he's also a violinist, in case you were wondering. All in all there really isn't much information on him. For the most part he seems like a regular guy with a lot of knowledge in Forex trading, as has been evident from the numerous videos I've watched of him since having joined BEF.
Tyler Turner
Tyler Turner (his Facebook page here) is the last co-founder of the three. I'm not entirely sure what role he plays in the mix of things, but it seems he could be helping out with the whole branding of the company... and I do know he tests the trading software out quite a bit. That might be one of his main positions here, because he's often tweeking the bot settings trying to find what brings the best results. It's hard to say though, not much information provided here either.
Thoughts: To be honest, at first I thought this was just going to be some overly-marketed mess where these guys are just trying to make as much money as possible luring people into their new system, but they all seem pretty legit. I've been able to look at all of their profiles on Facebook and whatnot, and all seem like genuine people trying to help others make some extra money. However, it would be nice if I was able to find out more on what's going on behind the scenes, such as with the partnership with the Eaconomy MLM company.
Is Blue Edge Financial legit?
Yes, the company and their products are legit. It's still a relatively new company, having just been founded in 2019, and their products haven't stood the test of time yet... but they have done extensive back-testing and their results have been very good (although not for me).
What is "edge trading"?
Their is also a lot of talk about "edge trading", and their name is Blue "Edge" Financial, so it's worth explaining.
Edge trading doesn't refer to anything specific, it just refers to a trading method or strategy that has an advantage, or "edge" on the market.
Their particular trading system here (I'm talking about the trading bot) runs on mathematical formulas and patterns, has been proven to work as shown in the testing, and is powered by AI as we've discussed briefly.
It's also worth mentioning that what they teach at BEF is to avoid trading like the typical forex trader. Why? Well, because most retail forex traders fail miserably.
What is FOREX?
FOREX stands for foreign exchange market, and this is the market for trading foreign currencies. Trading FOREX consists of trading one currency for another and trying to take advantage of changes in value.
The reason this kind of trading is so enticing is because the market has massive trading volume with lots of liquidity, it is open 24 hours a day on weekdays, and the transaction costs are low.
Is this risky?
Trading FOREX can be very risky, as any sort of trading can be if you don't know what you are doing. However, Blue Edge Financial's AI trading software has features to help mitigate the risk, as I'll go over shortly - and their education is pretty thorough.
Edge Trading Academy

The Edge Trading Academy is their core product. This is an educational platform that consists of a bunch of different training modules, and each module has multiple sections of training withing it, some having as many as 5-7 sections.
There's a lot to get through here. However, for the sake of keeping this review short, I'll just go provide a brief summary of each. The course starts out with the most basic information, so there is no prior knowledge of Forex of Forex trading needed.
- Module #1: Introduction to Forex
- Basic overview, goes over currency pairs & trading, how money is made, when to buy or sell, etc.
- Module #2: Forex Basics
- Covers different types of orders, how to use a demo account to trade risk-free, different trading sessions, best times to trade, etc.
- Module #3: Essential Chart Knowledge
- Basics of reading charts and what to look for
- Module #4: Support & Resistance
- Goes over three types of charts and what to make of support & resistance, how to look at trend lines, etc.
- Module #5: Japanese Candlesticks
- Looks at the Japanese candlesticks pattern and how to trade based on this
- Module #6: Fibonacci
- Covers the basics of this indicator, using Fibonacci retracement, trading it with support & resistance, trading it with Japanese Candlesticks, etc.
- Module #7: Moving Averages
- Goes over the SMA and EMA, differences, using them to identify profitable trades, etc.
- Module #8: Popular Indicators
- Goes over a bunch of other popular indicators such as the Bollinger Bands, Kellner Channels, MACD indicator and others
- Module #9: Leading & Lagging Indicators
- This is all about oscillators and trend following indicators
- Module #10: Chart Patterns
- Covers double tops & double bottom patterns, head & shoulders, wedges, etc., which are bullish and which are bearish, etc.
- Module #11: Pivot Points
- About what pivot points are and how to calculate them by looking at charts
- Module #12: Breakouts & Takeouts
- Covers breakouts, measuring volatility to predict them, different types, etc.
- Module #13: Time Frames
- Details what time are best to trade, trading with different time frames, etc.
- Module #14: Trading the News
- Goes over different ways to trade the news, how to do it, what to be cautious of, and more
- Module #15: Develop a Trading Plan
- All about why developing a trading plan, routine, and staying disciplined is important for profits
- Module #16: Styles of Trading
- Covers the different styles of trading: scalping, day trading, swing trading, position trading
- Module #17: Building Your Trading System
- Provides training on building your own trading system - critical steps that need to be taken
- Module #18: Keeping a Trade Journal
- Goes over why you should keep a journal to stay on track and best methods for doing so
- Module #19: Metatrader 4
- Shows how to use Metatrader 4 (Forex trading platorm), order & indicators, etc.
- Module #20: Risk Management
- Covers risk management, how much money you should risk per trade, etc.
- Module #21: Position Sizing
- About position sizing and how to calculate this so that you know how much to trade
- Module #22: Stop Losses
- Goes over different types of stop-losses, how you should set them up to mitigate risk, etc.
- Module #23: Scale In & Out of Trades
- Goes over the importance of scaling in and out of trades methodically for best results
- Module #24: Currency Correlation
- Information on currency correlation, currency correlation tables, benefits, and more
- Module #25: Final Advice
- Basically a summary module
In addition to the core training members are also provided access to resources like cheat sheets, calculators, ebooks, and a custom indicators library.
I'm not sure that it will always be set up this way, but at the moment this Edge Trading Academy is their core product. How it works is people buy access to this and then get all their other products, like the trading bot, as "bonuses". That said, one of the main components of this company is their AI trading software, which is probably the reason most people are joining...
Titan G27 - AI Powered Trading Software

The name given to their AI-powered trading software the Titan G27. What this software does, as you probably already know, is trades for you by crunching the data using many different strategies.
Titan G27 was actually developed with the help of a Forex bank trader (so we're told) that's managed billions of dollars in funds. There is a reason the majority of retail traders lose money in the Forex market, and G27 is out to change this by using what they call "smart money movement technology", which just means that follows that the "smart money" is doing to some extent.
Once you have Titan G27 software up and running it will look like this... and will be analyzing the market and making trades automatically...

*I've tested G27 out for over 7 months and didn't end up having the best results - more on this later.
I'm still unsure of the relation Blue Edge Financial had with the Eaconomy MLM company, which also had a AI-powered trading software. However, I do know that Eaconomy's AI trading software was built on the MT4 (Metatrader 4) platform and that this Titan G27 is also built on MT4. This MT4 I speak of is basically, as I understand it, a trading platform in which developers can create their own bots using different algorithms and whatnot. It's a popular and trusted one.
Titan G27 Risk Management
Risk is always a concern. If you leave this bot running you don't want to have to worry about losing your entire account... and you don't. There are several ways that the Titan G27 helps minimize risk.
First off, each trade has a set take-profit and a set stop-loss. This tells the bot when to get out of a trade and ensures that you will never lose too large of a percentage on any one trade, even if it does take a turn for the worse.
Additionally, you can set it up to use only a certain percentage of your balance per trade. So, for example, you could set the bot to risk a maximum of 1% per trade, and this would mean that if the trade lost you would lose a maximum of 1% of your account.
The lowest you can set it as low as 0.25% per trade.
And possibly the best way that it mangest risk is through diversification. It trades all 27 currency pairs, which is why it's called G27, and this includes XAUUSD (gold).
Bank's Secret Indicator

This is an indicator that you'll be able to install into your charts. It will show you visually on the chart when and where banks are selling and buying. The idea behind this is that you'll be able to trade with them and get in on the profits, because obviously large financial institutions like this know what they are doing.
Using the indicator is pretty simple... it gives you red and blue areas on your charts. Blue areas tell you to buy and red areas tell you to sell. Of course you shouldn't trade solely based on this indicator, but it can help. Here's what it looks like...

*Note: This is for manual trading. If you are using Titan G27 it does everything for you.
Tax Secrets for Traders

This is a 1 hour training session that goes over how traders can reduce their taxes.
I remember when I first started trading cryptocurrenies and what a mess that was after the first year when tax season came around, so I know how helpful something like this can be for newbies - definitely a nice bonus that can help out a lot.
Millionaire Trader Series

The Millionaire Trading Series is a series of 3 training videos that provide summaries of what they consider to be their top 3 trading books.
The idea is that if you read 3 books on any one subject you are considered an "expert" when compared to the general populations. So what they did here was took their top 3 trading books, which include Naked Forex, The Candlestick Trading Bible and Trading in the Zone, and made summary videos of each that go over the main points and most important elements in each.
Edge Trading Secrets

This is an ebook that is supposedly written by an ex-banker (same guy that helped BEF develop Titan G27) that traded Forex for some of the largest banks out there that gives secrets that the big bankers use to pretty much ensure that most people lose money - we know that 95+% of Forex traders lose money.
The reason I say "supposedly" is because there is no proof of this. In the book this guy is presented as a no-name and we're told that this is because he wants to keep his identity hidden. This could be true, but who knows.
Regardless of its truth, the book is a good read. It's rather short, but provides a lot of valuable information, mainly teaching traders to view the market differently... from the perspective of a banker.
In a nutshell, the reason most retail traders lose money is because they try to predict market bottoms and tops, set up their stop losses accordingly or average down, and then they either get stopped out over and over again or lose loads of money averaging down into a market that is trending against them. They do this, whereas the big bankers ride the trends... and help sway the market to hit retail traders' stop losses. Of course Titan G27 still relies on stop losses, but the main point is that this bot is set up to ride out the trends, rather than guess bottoms and average-down like most others.
How It Works (putting it all together)
Okay, that is a lot of information to digest. I'll make it easier to understand how this all works and how it all fits together.
As you know, you have to buy the Edge Trading Academy and then you get access to everything - the whole system. And although it's highly recommended that you go through the training in the academy, it isn't a must. It is possible to just join as a member and use the Titan G27 AI software to start trading.
But before you start trading of course you need to have a broker. They will recommend one to you, but you don't actually have to join this specific one. I know they've been recommending LQDFX a lot. This is a good choice because they have very low spreads.
*Note: I'd recommend using LQDFX however. They are good and if you do use this broker everything is already set up for you.
After you have a broker account you will want to install the Titan G27 software, adjust the settings to the levels of risk you want, and that's pretty much it.
Using a VPS
They actually used to include a VPS service for free but have since done away with this. However, they do claim to have a deal with a VPS company so that members get discounts.
A VPS is a Virtual Private Server, and this allows you to keep the Titan G27 trading software running 24/7 on a computer server hosted by a company that specializes in this. It's not absolutely essential to have a VPS, but you're probably going to want one. The other option would be to keep your computer running 24/7 which would be annoying and just wouldn't work out well for most people.
Titan G27 Track Record & My Results
Track-records are extremely important. Of course you only want to use a trading software that actually is proven to work.
Luckily, G27 has been backtested extensively, all the way back to 2007, and the average monthly gain has been 29.06% over that time period... pretty darn impressive.
But backtesting is the past. Below are my forward testing results from actually using G27 myself. Not too pretty!
My Results
I joined Blue Edge Financial in April and started off running a demo account running their older Titan G7 software. This did somewhat okay and so I went on to do live trading with it. Then the team at BEF came out with the G27 software, which is their main trading bot now. Here are my results using this...
After over 7 months of use..
- Growth: -15.99%
- Settings: Default

The end result = -15.99%.
Pretty bad.
This is why I don't recommend the software anymore. It had it's ups and downs, but mostly downs and I wasn't able to recover the initial large downturn it had. Sure, maybe if I had let things play out longer I could have possibly been in the positive right now... but I decided to pull my investment out and put it to better use elsewhere... and I've been making good enough passive income with this anyhow.
Cost & Refund Policy
The cost at the time of this review is $147/mo. This is pretty expensive, but for some of the people using the Titan G27 software that I've heard from it has been well worth it... and then you have all the training on top of that. So really I think it could easily be worth the price, but this also depends a lot on how much money you have to start with. If you only have $20 to start trading with then you won't be making much until you're able to grow your account bigger.
Their refund policy is a 30-day money-back guarantee - no questions asked. It's pretty straightforward. They say that if you don't like what you see then you can ask for a refund at any time within 30 days and you'll get your money back. This is nice to see and it's obvious they stand behind and believe in their product.
Additional Costs:
The only other expense is that you'll have to pay for a VPS. But don't worry, it's very affordable. I'm only paying around $8/mo for mine.
What I Like/Don't Like
What I Like
- You can start trading with a demo account using virtual money if you want. This is great if you are tight on money and worried about the risk. The results will be just as if you were trading with real money... but it will be just for practice, so to speak.
- The core focus is the educational side to things that teaches people how to trade. Of course you could just use the trading bot, but I like how they really push their education. It's better to teach a man to fish than simply giving him fish.
- Something I didn't mention yet is that they have a private Facebook group for members. Here you will be able to communicate and share ideas. This is always a nice feature when it comes to making money via trading and whatnot.
- And something else I didn't mention is that they have live chat support, which is great and can be a big help, especially when you are getting things set up for the first time. I've used this service and I can tell you that they know what they are doing. You can ask them all the technical questions or questions of any kind and get a good response.

What I Don't Like
- Their is a big focus on their affiliate program, which is why you see a lot of people promoting the heck out of this opportunity. It would be nice if they would tone-down the marketing side of their operations a bit.
- Having a VPS service included, which they had in the beginning, would be a really nice bonus. It's disappointing that they don't include this anymore, but I can't complain too much - it's probably best that they just focus on providing the best trading bot possible.
- Facebook Group Censorship: While I mentioned that I like the fact there is a Facebook group for members, I found it a bit disappointing how they censor the content. For example, there were several times I posted my bad results with Titan G27 to try to get advice from the community, but these posts were not approved by the group admins. All I wanted was some help, but I guess they didn't want my bad results to make them look bad. It's a possiblity... although I do understand that they can't approve every post someone makes or else the group would be a mess and nearly impossible to navigate successfully.
- Good Settings but Bad Results: One thing I couldn't understand, which I never really got an answer to because they wouldn't let me post my results in the FB group, is why my results were so bad. I had my Titan G27 settings set up default and was using the recommended LQDFX broker, yet other people with the same setup were having much better results. This doesn't make much sense to me.
Getting Started
When you join Blue Edge Financial they have video tutorials that go over every part of getting started and getting your Titan G27 set up, but I'll provide a basic overview so that you know what to expect beforehand.
Step 1: Join Blue Edge Financial
Pretty simple and straightforward. You can join here.
*You can still join of course, but as mentioned I'm not longer recommending them.
Step 2: Open a Brokerage Account
You can also connect an existing one if you already have one, but if not it's easy to open a new one.
Step 3: Connect Your Broker to Blue Edge Financial
This is simple and only takes about a minute to do.
Step 4: Open a VPS
This is the Virtual Private Server that you'll have everything running on so that it can run day and night without problems.
Step 5: Connect MT4 to Broker
You'll have the MT4 program installed on your VPS and this is what the Titan G27 will be running on. You'll have to connect this program to your broker - very simple.
Tips for Getting Started...
Tip #1 - Just Use What They Recommend
You don't have to. You're a free human being and, for example, can use any broker that you want to. However, I'd suggest using the broker(s) they recommend. When using a trading software like Titan G27 the broker you use makes big difference with your results, because you want a broker that offers very low spreads.
I'm used LQDFX, which is one of the good brokers that they recommend. Although my results with Titan G27 were poor, the broker was fine.
I'd also recommend using the VPS they recommend. Not only have they tested it and found it to perform well, but when you use their recommended VPS everything comes pre-set-up... meaning that the Titan software is already installed on the MT4 platform when you log in.
Tip #2 - Leave The Settings as Default
Again, you are free to do what you want. You can adjust the settings of the Titan software as you want to, but I'd recommend just leaving everything as is, at least in the beginning. This is what they've found to work best after extensive back-testing... although things didn't pan out well for me.
The Facebook group is also a great resource for finding out what others are doing and learning how to tweak G27 based on your risk tolerance and preferences.
The Affiliate Program
As I just said, there is a big focus on the affiliate program Blue Edge Financial has. Adam Wenig is one of the founders and he was in the 2 Comma Club with ClickFunnels, so I guess this should be expected.
The affiliate program is simple... for each person that you refer to join you get a 35% commission, which is $51.
That's a decent commission, and what makes this even more enticing is the fact that these commissions are recurring. For each month that your referral stays a member you will continue to get commissions.
Conclusion - Worth Joining?
There is no guarantee you will make anything, and there is no guarantee that Titan G27's performance will do well. As I know very well, the backtesting for this bot has proven very successfull, yet my results over 7+ months weren't good... but maybe I just didn't stick around long enough.
It's hard to put a price tag on something like this, but I think that $147/mo isn't too much to ask considering all they are giving. The bot, the educational content and important training like the Tax Secrets for Traders... there's no doubt a lot of value is provided.
The decision of whether or not to join is something that ultimately comes down to you, but I don't think I'll be joining BEF again.
If you're looking for passive income then I'd recommend you check this out instead.
Leave any comment/questions below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can 🙂
Hi, I was wondering, in your write up about titan G7 you recommend to use the recommended LQDFX Broker. This is an unregulated broker from the marshal island that is almost defiantly going to scam 90% of the people who are going to make money from titan.
I have been doing my own research and backtests on the software. it looks very promising. the only thing worrying me is that blue edge recommend a unregulated broker.
Any insight you could give me on why you felt safe trusting this broker with your money would be great for my research!
Thanks Ben
Hi Ben. Yes, I’m aware of this too. The thing is though, how good G7 works depends a lot on the broker and their spreads. LQDFX has very low spreads and this is the reason they use them, and recommend them. There are people using other brokers too, but most that work well are in foreign countries, and many unregulated unfortunately.
That said, I tested out a small withdrawal with LQDFX already and everything went fine.
In the Blue Edge Financial facebook group you can get good ideas from other people about what brokers work well. Blue Edge Financial themselves are also testing out other options as well, and will keep the community updated.
Hi Kyle, I’ve had nothing but problems with Blue Edge Financial bot. Titan G7 has consistently lost money for three months. I linked it to a $100,000 demo account in May 2020, followed setup instructions, completed their “Academy”. Their FX course is excellent! However, as of August 9th, the demo account balance is $83,683.76. I spent hours chatting with their “world-class customer support” team – – that tried to fix the problem – – but never did. Very disappointed that Titan G7 consistently lost money. I even sent a letter to Adam, who did respond – – but never followed-through to fix the problem. Essentially, he cared – but not enough to do whatever it takes to solve the problem.
I believe Adam and the team are good people but after three months of chatting and never being able to speak with a real live person to solve the problem – I’ve had it! All I wanted was for the G7 and Adam to deliver on their promise. I will ask for my refund tonight! …And if I don’t get I’ll see Adam in small claims court. Principles matter!
Any update on Titan?
Im am 3 months into learning forex. Ive taken 5 courses . Just started demo acct. Saw an ftmo youtube about a good smart guy who has 5 accounts with ftmo who uses expert advisors. My question to you is… How can you recommend a EA if you were negative for 3 months,and working yourself out of the red,and you’re currently -9.98%? Am I a fucking idiot to listen to you? I want to hear profitable 0 to 10%monthly. The Ea is currently 497.00 . I hear honesty out of you but I think your an affiliate or marketer with your link. If your negative 9.98% and you paid . You didnt get your moneys worth. Can you or blue edge financial give me a live fxbook account so i can see their metrics? What is the max drawdown? Daily loss? Winrate? Expectancy? I want to see numbers that are proof from fx book.cuz they have no dog in the fight.they make no stats can actually be honest
lmfao. you bitch about the affiliate marketing, and your link is an affiliate marketing link. woooooo!
Hello, any update on the G27?