Stock Advisor: #1 Recommended Advisory Service... the stats don't lie

*Historical Record of Outperforming The S&P 500 by a 4 to 1 ratio

Stock Advisor is an investment advisory service offered by the Motley Fool company, which is a privately owned financial/investment advisory firm founded by two brothers, David & Tom Gardner, based in Virginia, USA.

Motley Fool Stock Advisor

Here we'll be going over why it's one of the better choices out there, but first let's talk about what a subscription to this service includes.

In a nutshell, this subscription service provides members with:

  • Actionable investment recommendations regularly
  • Alerts on when to sell
  • Market analyses and commentary

Subscribers are told what to invest in, when to invest, and are alerted when it's time to sell or anything else important comes up. 

*But of course we don't ever suggest just blindly following investment advice. Your own due diligence is always important.

A Scam?.. Definitely Not.

We all have seen them... the misleading/scammy investment teasers that lure people into their services.

You know, the ones that use scare-tactics and fear mongering... "end of the world" type promotions.

The reality is this...

  • You DON'T have to buy in before some near-present deadline
  • There aren't any guaranteed returns
  • What you are buying into with these kinds of services likely isn't what you think it is
  • And the subscription service likely isn't all that great if they have to use misleading/deceptive promotions to lure people in

We Like Honest & Proven Services... And We're Guessing You Do Too

This is why Motley Fool's Stock Advisor is one of the [very few] advisory services we actually recommend.

Why Motley Fool's Stock Advisor?

Look, we understand. You probably just wasted a bunch of time either looking into an advisory service that wasn't that great, or, worse yet, you lost some money with a service that turned out to be a complete dud.

So, we'll keep it short.

Here are 5 reasons we recommend Stock Advisor:

#1 - It Has a Proven Track Record

The goal of using an investment advisory services is to follow along with professionally-made recommendations... but more importantly to make money doing so.

Here at we've reviewed numerous advisory services that have turned out to be [VERY] disappointing.

Motley Fool isn't just some run-of-the-mill service.  New investment recommendations are provided each month by David & Tom Gardner, the co-founders of the company.

And the track-record so far has been pretty darn good. Below you can see its significant out-performance of the S&P 500, which by the way is at about a 4 to 1 ratio...

However, we don't want to mislead you. The performance is good, but probably not quite as good as it appears.

It's true that the average stock pick is up a whopping 406% since the service started over a decade ago, but this is largely because of big winning recommendations in the past (like Amazon & that aren't very common.

#2 - It's Easy to Follow

The service is well laid-out and easy to follow, even if you've never subscribed to anything like this before.

  • 2 new stock picks are recommended each month, one from Tom Gardner and one from David Gardner
  • Their Top 5 Starter Stocks are also provided - great foundation for beginners looking for stable investments
  • Stock analyses are provided so that subscribers know exactly what they are recommending and why
  • Alerts are sent out to subscribers when it's time to sell a stock
  • Members area website access is provided so members can access past recommendations/analyses, reports, etc.

As mentioned, it's a follow-along style service. There is no reason why anyone should have trouble with it.

#3 - There's No BS Hype & Intimidation

We don't like advisory services that trick & scare people into joining their subscriptions. This just isn't right.

Motley Fool isn't into this kind of thing either. 

  • No scaring you into subscribing
  • No confusing teasers that have people buying into things they know nothing about
  • No aggressively pushy upsells into other products you don't want

We'll admit, they do provide other services and they will promote them to you at times, but it's far from the aggressive sales tactics that some of the more less-reputable advisory firms use. And besides, you don't have to buy them.

#4 - Good Reputation

Their reputation is undoubtedly better than most companies of this nature.

For example, on the popular complaint site called SiteJabber, they have a 4 out of 5 star rating. This is pretty darn good considering that most people go to sites like this to bitch and complain.

SiteJabber Motley Fool Reviews

If you take into account that the company has been around for decades and still has a good reputation overall, you know they are doing something right... and their track-record proves this.

#5 - Refunds Are Available

Refunds... hopefully things will go smoothly and you'll have no desire to request a refund, but if need-be, they are available.

There is a 30-day money-back guarantee where you can request a refund of the subscription price within 30 days of signing up.

And No, this is NOT one of those companies that makes it a pain in the ass to contact customer service in an attempt to make refunds harder to get.

Motley Fool's customer service team can be [easily] contacted at (888) 665-3665 during business hours.

Update: Well... actually there are 6 reasons...

Let's make it a list of 6 reasons why we recommend Stock Advisor.

The 6th is that, besides it...

  • having a proven track record
  • being easy-to-follow
  • not containing BS hype or pushy upsells
  • having a good reputation
  • AND... allowing for refunds

... there is also a 50% membership discount that they are offering right now.  

The Cost

A subscription normally retails for $199/yr, but right now there is a discount for 50% off, which brings down the price to $99.

Even the price of $199 is a good deal if you consider what you're getting... and $99 just makes it all the better.

If you do the math, it breaks down to $1.90 a week, and just about $0.27 per day... which is MUCH cheaper than the cost of coffee for those who drink it regularly (just as a comparison).

What You Get as a Subscriber

We already went over most of it, but here is a list of what all you get with a subscription to make things simple...

  • 2 New Stock Picks Each Week - On the first Thursday of each month Tom Gardner will make a stock recommendation, followed by David Gardner on the third Thursday of each month.
  • Top 5 Starter Stocks - Every new subscriber gets their updated list of 5 recommended stocks for those just starting out. These are low-risk, solid choices.
  • Top 10 Stocks to Buy Right Now - This includes a list of 10 stocks that are great buys at the moment, some of which may have been included in their past monthly recommendations.
  • Members Area Access - You will get access to the members area. Here you can find an archive of past special reports, past recommendations, etc - as well as current information.
  • 24/7 Portfolio Monitoring - At any time you will be able to check on the model portfolio to see how the recommended stocks are performing.
  • Real Customer Service - You can call and get ahold of real people... not some automated robot answering system.

What Subscribers Think About It

Of course you can't always believe all the promotional material you hear about newsletter advisory services. They usually tell you all the good news about winning trades they have recommended, but conveniently leave out the bad.

On of the best ways to get a more accurate gauge of how things really are is to look at ratings and reviews from real subscribers. And, one of the best sources of independent subscriber reviews for investment newsletter services like this is the StockGumshoe website, which we often use for research purposes when reviewing different investment services.

The Good News: Motley Fool's Stock Advisor has a good average rating...

Stock Advisor rating Stock Gumshoe

3.7 out of 5 stars might not seem that great, but with all the investment advisory services we have reviewed here, we can assure you that it is... and we wouldn't be recommending it if it wasn't.

Additionally, the service has an even better rating of about 4 out of 5 stars when it comes to Investment Performance alone, which is what matters most...

So there you have it. That is why Motley Fool's Stock Advisor is one of the very, very few newsletter investment advisories that we actually recommend.

  • Good performance
  • Easy-to-follow
  • Refunds available
  • Reputable company
  • Good subscriber ratings overall

And with the 50% discount on membership that is currently being offered, it seems that there is no better time to take up the offer.

Plenty of other subscribers have made money following their advice and we hope you can be next.

The recent reviews we found on Trustpilot have been mostly good, as expected.

The person's review shown below goes along with what we've been saying... they are "more honest and trustworthy than the others" [other companies]... 

And then you have the comment shown here stating that the advice is good and measurable, consistently...

The review below here points out something that is worth elaborating on, which is that they recommend stocks that are "not generally in the limelight", meaning that they aren't mainstream or well-known companies yet - hidden gems so to speak... 

And then this review points out something else that we should elaborate on, which is that the investment advice Stock Advisor provides is for the long-term. This is not a quick-profit service and isn't for those looking for risky ways to get rich fast...

Sound like something you'd be interested in?

We don't know how long the 50% discount will be going on, but we do know that it's still being offered last we checked.

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